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CHAPTER 14 < bringer of death > • no episode • __________________
"LET ME OUT" I YELLED, my voice croaky, unfamiliar to my own ears. After my 'date' with the Governor, his men had torn me away from the scene shoving me back into the cell i'd woken up in a few weeks ago. I tried prying the thick iron bars encapsulating me into the confided cell, but it was pointless, the bars had obviously been reinforced and I knew that I'd never be able to even loosen them on my own. There was no way out.
No matter how many times I'd screamed and shouted, begging for them to miraculously set me free, it was hopeless. I lost track of how many days had passed since I'd been discarded down here, I had no idea what the Governors intentions were, they'd given me no food or water- nothing. It was like they were waiting for nature to take it's course, waiting for me to finally give up and stop fighting.
But if there was one thing that I had been taught many moons ago, it was that no matter how shit your situation seemed, no matter what you'd endured, it could have always been worse. Instead of lying on the cold, hard floor thinking of the limited possibilities for my escape, I could have been lying here dead, a motionless corpse, a symbol of my weakness and lack of fight. So I knew that I had to keep on going.
The door that led down into the basement where my cell was creaked open, I heard the scuffing of multiple shoes as whoever it was got closer and closer until.
"Spencer! I thought we could have a little catch up, hm?" The Governors voice echoed through my mind, he was holding some sort of clothes in his hands, for what? I didn't know.
I only scowled up at the man, his voice was sickening. Suddenly one of the guards slammed his gun into the iron bars, a loud bang coming from the metal connection.
"Speak when you're spoken to, bitch!" He exclaimed.
"What the hell.." I mumbled back in response, how was that for an answer? "You people are weird, especially those pretending to be a Governor." I snapped back out of spite, glaring up at the man who only smirked suggestively at me.
"Spencer.. I was hoping that you would've perhaps dropped that disgusting attitude of yours by now." He chuckled, before taking a step closer to my cell. "Put these on." He ordered, holding a handful of clothes through the metal bars for me to take.
I wearily took the clothes from his grasp, holding up a sports bra that was clearly going to be far too short for me, as well as a pair of gym shorts, they were stretchy but also seemed far too small.
"Well? What are you waiting for, put them on." The Governor gestures between the clothes and I.
"No way.." I shook my head in disbelief, what the hell was wrong with him?