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CHAPTER 13 < stuck in the new hell > • no episode • __________________
His plan had worked, he had hoped to trap me in an impossible situation, forcing me to obey and do the contrary of what I wanted. The man whom I deemed a possible friend at first, the one who had provided hospitality for me eventually, all he was, was a deceiving, cunning and manipulative bitch... I knew what his intentions were, he evidently wanted to sleep with me and as I found the small of my back being pressed harder into the kitchen countertop behind me, I was determined to do everything I could to deter him.
I glanced around me, everything seeming so unimaginably far away, but then I spotted it, in all of it's glory. A singular kitchen knife, lay exposed on the kitchen side, it wasn't too far out of reach but it wasn't particularly close either.
As the Governor chuckled, his breathing heavy and coming out in pants he began to reminisce in how his 'grand plan' had worked, boasting about attempting to rape someone? He truly was a sick man, a psychopath too that was for sure.
I couldn't bare the conniving looks he was giving me or the way his tongue kept poking out to wet his lips or the way his eyes told stories about his hunger and desperation for me or how he thought he had won.
I did everything in my power to hold him back, using all of my strength to fight off the side affects of whatever drugs he had snuck into my drink.
'Trust no one but yourself.'
'Trust no one but yourself.'
'Trust no one but yourself.'
There it was. That unfamiliar motto I had recited as though it were some ritual to keep me sane. This was my fault, I betrayed my motto, I was supposed to work alone, that's how I managed to keep on going, how I had managed to stay alive. And the one time I disobey my own rules, this is the predicament I find myself trapped in.
The never-ending, disgusting nature of a man...
I allowed the Governor the satisfaction of licking his way up the shaft of my neck, even letting out a few whimpers for good measure, much to his satisfaction, I physically had to fight the urge to gag, he actually believed that I was enjoying this?
But clearly his neediness was far too overpowering for him as his firm grip loosened on me ever so slightly.
That was good.
And now all I had to do was make a stand and fight back. The protruding pounding in my head told me to just give up now... but that was not the kind of person I was, and I refused to become so weak.
I brought my right knee up and into the Governors groin, as I managed to gain the upper hand, I outstretched my arm across the countertop and felt my fingers clasp around the cool metal handle of the kitchen knife.
The room was spinning, my head was pounding, I could feel the bile rising up to my throat, but I had to keep fighting. I got myself into this mess I have to get myself out of it.
I brought my left hand with the knife up to the Governor's right shoulder and managed to push the blade into the mans soft flesh. He let out a shout in agony as he began frantically shouting for his guards, I pulled the knife out of the deceiving mans shoulder, ready to strike again when suddenly the kitchen door burst open.
"Hands in the air!" The man shouted, I recognized him to be one of the Governors right-hand men, he was holding an assault rifle up high, aimed right towards my face. The Governor had backed away, dispersing from the room and found safety behind his other guards whom too, had now flooded the room.
All of the barrels of their guns directed at me, as I stood there helplessly, panting heavily, why did it always have to be me?
Where was Daryl Dixon when I needed his rescuing yet again?
Been a while since I've updated this fanfic, but I haven't abandoned it or my girl Spencer!!!
Also I'm aware that this chapter is fairly short.. but hopefully chapter 14 will be published soon!
I appreciate the love that this fanfic has gotten so far and hope that it can only gain more from now on :)
Anyways... time to traumatize my poor girl Spencer some more :)(
Also I hope we all took note of the little Daryl Dixon reference I threw in at the end ;)
please please please don't be a ghost reader... vote, comment, share... any of that stuff would mean the absolute world to me <3 spam as much as you'd like baes :)