Part 25

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Bri's pov-

I had woke up to beams of sunlight in my face, I turned over to the side only to see that Matt had already left. I checked my phone, then it dawned on me my flight back home was tomorrow. I wasn't ready to leave Matt.. I herd the door open and I looked up hoping to find Matt but I only had found Cameron walking out. I swear I fell asleep in my room last night. His towel was hanging low from his waist, wait I just decided to stare at a wall until he explained himself.

"The shower in our room broke and Matt said that is was cool that I came over here, I didn't know that you were still here."

HOW COULD YOU NOT SEE A HUMAN BEING ON A BED? That was bull crap that he couldn't see me.

"Cameron, get some glasses next time."

I had looked into his eyes at this point. You could see the smirk on his face.

"Oh please, don't act like you weren't checking me out a second ago." You could almost hear the pride coming out of his voice.

"I won't tell Matt, don't worry."

And with that he walked out the door, towel and all.


I started to get ready for my day, and by that I meant that I was trying to shake off what Cameron had said earlier. I had showered myself and check before walking outside the door. At this point who knew what person was sitting on the other side.

Matt had texted me that he had gone out with Jessica and the boys this morning. It didn't bother me that he went out it just bothered me that Jessica had gone with them and he didn't invite me. Basically he left me here alone with Cameron. The she devil must of had something to do with this. Why wouldn't he want me to come with him?

I walked down to Cameron's room and knocked on his door.

He opened the door, I cut him off before he could make any more sexual comments or anything of the nature.

"Why didn't you go with the boys this morning?"

He took a couple seconds before he answered.

"Well, no one had asked me to go. So I stayed back but before Matt had left I told him that the shower was broken. I thought that he had taken you with him so that's why I asked him to use your room. He never even told me that you were still there."

I looked down at the ground. I felt bad for yelling at Cameron this morning but also because Jessica had came along but no one decided to take me along.

I guess Cameron could tell that I was sad

"But hey, we don't have to let them ruin our fun. We can still go out and have fun. Just you and me." I guess that sounded like fun. I looked up and gave Cameron a slight nod. What damage could I do that Matt hasn't already done to me?

I went back to my room and put on some beach clothing, if Cameron wanted to go somewhere where he wouldn't be seen by millions of girls then laying low at the beach would be a pretty good idea. He knocked on my room but the door was already propped open so I guessed he just walked in. I came out and saw Cameron sitting on my bed.

"Ready to go?" He grinned and walked over to me and threw his arm around my shoulder playfully. I missed this side of him.

We walked outside, Cameron had rented a Jeep when he had gotten here because he had beat the boys here and didn't want to wait six extra hours for them at the airport. I loved Jeeps so I was excited to be riding in one. He was driving around before he had finally decided to stop at a beach a little farther out than were the norm of people would be. Great minds think alike.

I had got out of the car and went to grab some bags before Cameron had came up behind me and grabbed them before me saying

"Haha, that's cute that you think I would let you carry the bags."

"Cameron, I didn't break my arms. I am very capable of carry some bags."

"I know but it was just so much easier for me to do it."

He kept walking and I ran to catch up to him. I playfully shoved him before finding a good spot to put my towel down. I had layed down with Cameron. He started to talk about the other stops on the trip they had to make. I got a little sad because I knew that I wasn't going to go with them.

Cameron had looked over to me. 'Has Matt told you yet?"

I looked up "Told me what?"

He chuckled a little bit "Each one of us is aloud to bring one person along on the tour with us. I am surprised that he hasn't asked you yet."

Now it was my turn to laugh "I was just talking with Matt the other day about how my flight back home is tomorrow, he never asked me to be his plus one."

Cameron frowned "Maybe he wanted to do something special, just wait. And if he doesn't take you I will."

I smiled, after that we decided to talk a walk down the beach. I know that it was a little risky but Cameron and me didn't care if he got noticed we would just met a couple people then leave. But I knew that it would be more than a couple but we could always make a run for it. When we were walking down the beach we had noticed another group about half way down the beach. We didn't notice who they were until I had herd Nash's laugh. We looked at each other with puzzled looks before we had walked over there our selfs. We got close and made out that it was our friends, before we had fully made it over there I had pulled out my phone to check for any texts from anyone who was sitting there. To my surprise I had no texts from any of them asking Cameron or myself to come. He had checked too. When we had got close enough I had noticed that Jessica was sitting on someone's lap. Really Nash and Jessica were getting it on at the beach? Nasty. But I had looked over to the other side of the fire to see that Nash was sitting on that sit singing to some music. When I had got closer I had noticed that she was sitting on Matt's lap currently making out with him.

"What the hell." It was barley hear able but Cameron had caught it because before I had been able to stop him he had dropped his bad and was walking over to Matt. No words were said to each other, Just two simple moves. One, throwing Jessica off of Matt and two knocking Matt a solid punch in the jaw.

"How could you fucking play with her like that you ass!" Cameron was basically screaming at him. Then he turned around to the rest of the group

"And for the rest of you asshole, how could you let him." Then he turned around but before he got to me he turned around one more single time.

"Don't fucking come looking for her Matt, I'll beat the shit out of you."

But before we had left Matt and Nash had said in unison "Hope you enjoy our sloppy seconds Dallas!"

Cameron flipped them the bird and kept walking, me right next to him. We had gotten about half way back when I had to grab his hand to make him slow down.

He had looked over to me, clearly pissed off. "You know Bri I had wanted to date you after Nash had screwed up but Matt had said that if I did that he would tell you all this shit about me so that you would have to break up with me so you end up going to him. I have always wanted you."

I had pulled Cameron into a hug before we started walking again crying into his chest. It was as if someone had dropped this huge weight on me and I couldn't breath anymore. If it wasn't for Cameron I would have fallen over right there. Before we moved he whispered one more thing to me

"He played with fire and now he will burn."

Hey guys!

Please don't comment saying that she is a slut or anything. If this had happened to you I highly doubt that you would be stable without your best friend because she is taking every guy you've had so far. Please PLease PLease comment if you think she should be with Cameron or Matt

Cameron :)

Matt :)

Please comment it will help the plot line. I am thinking of deleting all picture of any character Idea I had of Bri and just letting you guys keep the image you have inside your heads. It's how I like to do it. :)

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