Part 28

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Bri's POV

"I would never want to push you into anything, I just want to make to feel special. Believe me I want you to be mine but with everything that happened with Matt I just don't believe that you are in the right state for another boyfriend. If we were to date I would want it to be because it was the right time not because I was some sort of rebound.."

I looked up at Cameron, frowning.

"You would never be a rebound, I can't believe you would think that I would do that to you. I know that during this tour a lot of weird shit has happened. Mainly because of my wonderful best friend and myself. But I really don't want to hurt anymore of you boys. I don't know what the sluts end plan is but I don't want to hurt you. You guys don't deserve it.."

Cameron had walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I could feel the warmth spreading through my body. I don't deserve any of this. Why do the guys like me? When I showed up all hell broke loose, I am ruining  everything. Maybe I don't need to be here. I deserve no one.

"How could you say that?"

Shit, I said that out loud?

"I don't deserve to be here, it's true. You guys need loyal fans that won't date more than one of you guys. You don't need me and my hot mess life. I mean my family basically has stopped checking in on me. It's been months! You think someone would try to check in on me or come see me. And here I am hurting you guys, without trying to. Anyone who sees me has got to hate me. I still go on social media I know what your fans are saying. They think I didn't deserve Matt and now that I have you, they want me to leave even more. I don't understand how I am getting more hate then my slutty ex-best friend. I can't go anywhere without being reminded on what I have done to each one of you guys.."

Cameron didn't respond for a minute..

"You deserve to be here, you may have hurt some of the guys here but it's gone both ways. The fans never knew why you and Matt broke up because you two kept it off social media so because of their love for him they are blaming everything on you. If one of you was to explain you wouldn't be getting so much hate. I don't understand why my fans are hating so much, it's all because Matt doesn't want to admit that he cheated. He would get thrown under the bus and he knows it. He needs to do something to clear up some of this because it is already hard for you from what he did. He is not going to get away clean and I will make sure he does something about this right now. I'll be back later."

Before I could even respond Cameron had walked through the door and down the hall. He was a man with a mission.

I decided to get dressed and go get some food. I knew this day would be hard to face alone but I really needed to leave the boys alone. I am the cause of everything bad that has happened. I need to go through this alone.

I got dressed and walked down to the lobby, there was barley anyone there so I decided to walk out into town and get some hot coco. I walked down to Starbucks and ordered some coffee there. I sat down at a table and took my phone out. A couple of girls started to walk up to me, wonderful just how I wanted to start my day fans of Matt telling me everything was my fault.

"We are sorry for all the hate you are getting."

Wait, what?

"What do you mean."

"Matt posted something on twitter saying that the break up was not your fault but something he did and if anything he is to blame and should be getting all the hate right now."

I couldn't find anything to say..

"You don't have to respond to us but I just wanted to say sorry for all the hate you are getting, we never thought that you were to blame those boys can be assholes. Just by watching some of their videos you can find that out. You don't need to put up with their crap. I'm not really a fan of them anymore but you were trending on twitter at one point. I went through your twitter and you didn't seem like a bad person so I decided that it wasn't you at blame here."

After that we followed each other on social media and we decided to hang out later in the week. I asked if she wanted to meet any of the guys and she said she wasn't really a fan anymore but didn't care if they were there while we hung out. She didn't agree with some of the stuff some of the boys were posting. I left the coffee shop after that I knew Cameron had something to do with the tweet and I wanted to go thank him.

I walked into the hotel room to find Cameron laying on the bed reading a book, that is a rare site. I can never find guy who likes reading anymore..

"I wanted to thank you." I walked over to the bed on sat down on the end.

"For what? Reading a book?"

"No for fixing the problem between Matt and myself. I can't believe that I couldn't put on my big girl pants on deal with it myself. But I am really happy that you are here for me."

Cameron sat up and pulled me back down with him. I snuggled into his chest, this is something I've wanted my whole life. Just someone who will love me as much as I love them. I've never had any luck with the guys at my school, just heartbreak. I tried to date a couple guys but they just used me. I was once even a bet between some guys. It never got any better from there. My family never knew about any of that. I've never been close with them either, and now I've lost my best friend. So If I loose Cameron I will be going home alone.

"Cameron, what do you even want between us?"

"I want everything in between us, I want love, and passion but I also want you to be my best friend. I want you to be with me forever. I know that we have no been together for long but unlike the other assholes I will always fight for us. I started to fight from the start princess but you got blinded. I never wanted to let you date them before me but I knew I had to wait for my time. I wanted you to want me. I always knew that we would end up together. You were mine from the start and everyone knew that but they still wanted to try. And look who was right. I just knew when you walked in the door that you were my other half. I just had a pull to you, you were the most amazing girl I've ever seen. You messed with my head so many times. There was many times when we were all together were I wanted to punch the other guys and just kiss you because I knew you were mine. Princess I've always want you with everything you come with."

I smashed my lips onto Cameron, I knew in this moment he was mine and I was his. Maybe not forever but is forever even real? Everyone has to let go at a point. But I wanted to keep Cameron for as long as possible.

"Will you be mine till the end Princess?"

"I will be yours till the end my Prince."


So was this the right spot to stop this chapter? Who knows. But hello everyone. I decided to write another chapter because I wanted to control someone else's life instead of dealing with studying for my finals.. I know it's bad but this chapter was so fun. I know it was really sad and just a lot of sad parts but I don't think I'm ever going to write a sexual scene for this book. Sorry to kill all hope but I just don't feel conferrable doing it. Nor do I ever want to say that I wrote a sexual scene for a book. I am not one for writing a story some one can do nasty things with. I am just going to have them say cute stuff to each other. I was so happy with how this chapter turned out that I might just end the book here. I don't really like writing about macgon anymore because I haven't been a fan for over 3 years now. I started this book a super long time ago. When I write the chapters I don't even think about how the guys are real people. Like macgon girls are so dramatic. I just don't enjoying writing about this. This was such an old topic and it needs to end. I don't even think macgon is a think anymore. I just keep writing it because so many people liked the story. I don't know if I will ever start a new story. I have a lot going on in my life and kind've want to write my own story. I don't want to write books when I am older and my guess is that no one is looking for updates on this story anymore. I am most likely the only one still writing updates on story's like these. Everyone else stopped a good couple years ago. I just wanted to keep going because it was doing so well. If you enjoyed the chapter I am happy for you. That was the whole point of the book, to make other people enjoy my writing. All my friends used to have this app in middle school and they used to read my story's but now almost none of us use it. I only wrote the updates for these story's because I wanted to say that I finished them. I don't have any other ideas for story to write. Sorry.  

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