Part 27

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Bri's pov-

I have spend hours walking around, partly hoping that Cameron will find me and my other half hoping no one will find me. I had stopped and parked Cameron's car down by a couple restaurants. Man I was getting hungry. I was scrolling through my phone when someone had pulled out a chair in front of me.

"I told you that I would always find you." Cameron whispered.

I felt shivers down my spin, how does he do this to me? I pushed the thought of my head and went on. Cameron pulled out a menu and started to look at the food.

"What did you get?" He asked

"As always I got a chicken sandwich with fries."

He put down his menu and looked at me.

"Decide on something hmm?"

"Yeah, I am going to get some hot dogs babe."

Babe. Did I hear something wrong? Babe? The way he said it. It wasn't forced or fake.


"Okay well, it's between babe and princess. It's up to you." He smiles at the thought.

He looks up again "Or I could call you both." He leans back and smirks. I roll my eyes at him.

I want to give in to him, so bad. But isn't it too soon? Who gets over someone this fast? But Cameron is so perfect. But I am just not ready. Thank god the waiter came back before I had to answer any more questions. He dropped off our food and winked at me before he started talking

"Babe girl, what's your name?"

Cameron scoffed. "Lay off my girlfriend." He reached over and grabbed my hand. I blushed at Cameron

"Sorry man, just didn't seem like she was into you."

"Well in about two seconds my fists are going to be into you."

I've never seen someone move so fast in my life. He didn't return the next time someone came to our table. Wuss. I looked down and saw that it's been over ten minutes and Cameron had still not moved his hand. Cute. The waiter had came back with our food, smiled and left.


"Cameron are you done yet?"

"Women, Don't make fun of my slow eating."

I smiled, Cameron reminded me of my cousin back home. Why didn't I bring her along with me on this trip. Oh wait, I decided that bringing my backstabbing best friend. I mentally rolled my eyes. God only knows what she doing with the guys now. Cameron got up and I followed behind him.

"Key to my car ma'am."

"Pfff, I never said that once you found me you could drive. Get in the other side sir."

Cameron put his hands up and walked to the other side. I loved this jeep because it had no doors and drove wonderfully.

"Cameron how did you find me?"

"Well, if you forgot when you got kidnapped we all had trackers on our phone to see where you where. So basically I pulled that up but the hard part was getting a ride and once I got to all these places you kept moving around so it took more time. Then through the window I saw you sitting inside that cafe. I fought with the people at the front for a little bit to convince them that I was with you. They didn't believe me."

I smiled. I started the car.

"Where to now?"

Cameron smiles "I know this place.."

We started to pull out, Cameron giving me directions on where to turn. The sun was setting by the time we had finally gotten up there. We parked the car in the middle of nowhere.

"Cameron did you really get us lost?"

"No, just a little farther." Cameron pulled on my hand leading me through some more trees. When we got to the other side there was a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was amazing, the sun was setting behind the ocean. I sat down with my legs hanging over the edge. Cameron sat down and wrapped his arm around me pulling me into his chest. I could hear his heartbeat, faster than it should be. Just like mine.


"I think we should get going." Cameron whispered into my ear, I pulled out my phone checking what time it was.

1:32 A.M.

Wonderful, I grabbed Cameron's hand walking back to the car I kept falling into him wrapping my arms around him.



"You are basically sleepwalking to the car babe."

I handed over the keys to Cameron, or at lest dropped them out of my hand.
Cameron had caught them and walked over to the car. I got into the other side. Slowly falling asleep.

"Babe.." Another nudge

"Bri." Yet again another nudge.

"Whattt." I had sat up and looked up and over to Cameron.

Cameron didn't say anything else but put his hands under mine and carried me up to our room. He put me down in the bed. Cameron crawled into the other bed.

"Cameron you are stupid."


"After everything today don't you think you can just come over here and stay in the same bed with me?"

Maybe I was being a slut or a whore but I was making myself happy. Cameron didn't answer me but walked over to my bed and I felt it dip down on the other side. From this point I could sleep happy and I was out in seconds.

3:34 A.M.

I woke up staring at the alarm clock, I tried to move around only to have an arm tighten around me.

"Please go back to sleep, I can't sleep if you are tuning around." Cameron whispered into my ear before leaving small kisses on my neck.


"Okay I'll stop."

I turn around to face Cameron I used his body to turn myself around. Cameron kisses my forehead before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. Do you ever just look at someone while they are sleeping? Cameron looks cute asleep. Such a simple expression. Made me drift off into sleep too.


I woke up the next morning with the same arm wrapped around me, Cameron was still sleeping at this point. I started to trace shapes into Cameron's sides. He smiles as his eyes open. I removed my hands.

"Don't stop."

I smiled and started to trace shapes into Cameron's sides again. I could hear a soft groan come out of Cameron's throat. We both have effects on each other. It wasn't long before Cameron started places kisses down my neck to get back at me. Tease.


That led to a whole make out sessions, which I enjoyed by far. But I needed to find out what this was with Cameron. I need to get my life straight.

"Cameron what are we?"



That is the end for this chapter. Sorry it wasn't that great but maybe it was a little cute? I suck at writing for these story's. I am having a block and have no clue where to take them. :(

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