Wait, I said that to you?

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Jessica's POV

Last night was all a blur all i remember was that i was really pissed at someone.

That someone was Bri.


I swung my legs over the bed and walked around the room to see if she was there, she wasn't. something has to be up. She wouldn't leave me. Right?

I got dressed and headed out to the hall way, she must be in the guys room. Thats the only logical reason she would leave me. She did fancy them. I went and knock on their door. I remember someone told me the room number. One of the jack's answered i couldn't know one from the other but i knew their names. He smiled and said

"Hi, i bet your looking for you friend."

"Yea." I couldn't help by blushing he was cute, even though i couldn't tell him from the other jack. i walked in behind him. Everyone looked at me.

"Hey Bri, im really sorry about last night..." i couldn't get anymore out without choking down the words and some tears coming out. One by one.

She got up walked over to me and hugged me, i didn't deserve it but she knew that i didn't mean anything that i did. I'm going to have to make this up to her. I just hope i can do it.

The guys suggested we stay for the start of the day before they had to go, after what happened i wasn't up for the changllege. I would rather go back to bed. We left their room and went back to ours.  Bri went over what happened last night.

"I....  Can't...... Believe....... I...... Said....... that......"

"Trust me you did, I though that i did something really stupid. Like everything they did was part of me acting the way i did."

"It wasn't you, I was totally acting like a bitch. I was really happy that you didn't scream at me though. I don't think i could've tooken it."

'Come on bitch, lets get ready" Bri yelled.

I didn't want to put in my two cence, it wasn't worth it. I just smiled and followed her and shut up.

**** This is the first time that i did it in a point besides Bri's i hope you liked it. I have not written like anything before so i will get better as time goes on. Everyone gets better with practice. :)***

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