Part 29

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Bri's POV-

I knew today was going to be a good day, Cameron was such a perfect guy. But I don't deserve him, I am wreaking and breaking apart these guys. I know everyone hates me, social media is not my friend. If you didn't know along with the perks of dating these amazing guys comes with the cons of social media hate, which for the fact is always coming out of no where. Most of it is for me because no one is going to blame the guys for this, they are their fans and they would always back them up before me. I mean thee are comments like

"Really now Cameron too?"

"I thought he was better than her."

"Is her best friend the real slut here?"

"I think she is the real slut."

Like no one really even knows what goes on behind the phone screens here, these guys are hurting me too. I didn't ask for Matt to cheat on me. I never asked for the pain that came with that. But no Matt is the perfect one and I am in the wrong. It's like having your world come crashing down on you and no one is there to help you pick it back up. Fans are harsh. But don't get me wrong, I notice that there are people on my side. I really love everyone who is sticking with me. Sometimes I wish I could share what these guys did to me but this would cause more drama and fights and really I don't think I would have many people backing me up. Have you ever watched a movie where the main character thinks they have all these people behind them but really when it blows up everyone sides with the other side or shuts them out? I'm sure that is what would happen to me. I don't think I could handle that, I have almost no where to turn to. With all this happening I have trust issues. Can you blame me? This is hard, I really wish that that someone would remind me that it would get better once and a while. Now everyone is probably wondering where Cameron is, well he is hanging out with the boys taking pictures for social media and I wasn't ready to face all of them and my wonderful ex-bestfrined because we all know that she went today. How is that I am getting all of the hate when she is getting nothing. I log in and look at her twitter and there is only support and people saying how they wish they could be her. Sorry that I date the guys. Not just fuck and dump em. I feel like these last past couples of days have been draining.

"Gah, I have got to get out of this hotel room."

I packed some stuff into a bag and headed down to the pier, yes I know this might be stupid and I might run into the guys but I can duck and run pretty fast.

I called for a taxi, and once it got here I hopped in and rode there.

I was so happy to be at the beach, the smell of the salty air and it was around the time where the sun was setting and it was wonderful out here. This is something for once I was happy to be alone.

I started to walk around, I didn't look at all the dates going on but decided that I wanted to go on some of the crazy rides, they had more than usual because a small fair was in town and they used the lot next to the pier to store some of the rides. I had not run into anyone who knew me yet. It was like old times.

 I bought a band that let you ride any ride you wanted to for as many times as you wanted. I started to get in line for some of the rides. There was not as many people here because it was getting later. After a while I walked down to the beach and sat down and enjoyed the stars. It was such a wonderful night. Who wouldn't enjoy this. It was so good to just get disconnected from social media and forget about all the hate I am getting right now. I was enjoying listening to the waves crash upon the shore.


These chapters really make no sense, I don't even know why I am trying to add on to this book. It's so dramatic.

-Paridiseisatparidise ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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