I did nothing wrong!

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Jessica's POV

I stood there starstruck, i mean how could she be such a drama queen. I'm trying to look good in front of the guys but she making that a little hard when shes having these outburst. I didn't even notice all the guys were looking at me.

"What would you like me to do about it?" I mumbled.

"Go after her!" Nash said with a raised voice.

I started to walk to the door, but then thought of a better plan to get closer with the guys! I giggled a little under my breath.

"It's really dark outside would someone go with me, maybe Nash?" I bashed my eyelashes.

Nash rolled his eyes.

"Sure, but you better keep up with me."

We both started for the door and walked outside. I really wanted to grab Nashes hand but thought i shouldn't becuase he wouldn't see it in the dark.

"This is pointless...." I wispered under my breath.

"No it's not and if my best friend went missing i wouldn't be acting like the idoit you are!" Nash's voice kept getting louder.

I rolled my eyes

"She just went for a walk, look i will call her."

I pulled out my phone and called Bri's number.

While the phone was ringing i said "She does this all the time it's nothing new."

Someone picked up the phone and said. " I want one thousand dollars by midnight or you never going to see your friend again."

That's when i knew this was serious.... I started to shake as i hung up the phone.

"Someone took her..." I wispered under my breath.

"What?" Nash repiled

"Someone has kidnapped her and wants one thousand dollars by midnight or shes a gone."

Nash just stood there wide eyed then started to talk

"We have to get back to the restrant and tell the guys"

We got back to the where the guys where waiting and told them everything. They all stood there.

"Who could have took her?" 

"Does anyone have something they would hold her for?"

"Wait, what?"

They all mumbled at the same time, i just didn't know how to respond to them. They all stood looking at me like i held the answers and knew what to do perfectly. Truth is i didn't and i was scared.

*I think this chapter kindve sucked but i really don't know which way to put this story i'm thinking of doing one of the guys POV but someone needs to comment or vote whatever if they want me to.*

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