Chapter 1

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Tw: religious horror, cults, sacrifices, possessive behavior, violence, and murder

Third person POV

Tommy has always lived in a small town. The towns people were very very religious. They were all part of this weird cult that worships the SBI. The SBI were old creatures that were very dangerous. The town worshipped these creatures and they did anything that they asked. The SBI apparently visited the town when they saw someone that they love or hate. The town was known for the bloodshed that they had. Once every month a ceremony would take place. The ceremony was dedicated to the blood god. The towns people would take any prisoners or orphan children and murder them. They would then sacrifice their body's to the blood god. Tommy was the only one who didn't believe in the SBI. He did things that the villagers consider sinful. He wouldn't participate in the monthly ceremonies. He did sacrifice some small things like farm animals but he didn't want to murder anyone. He did somewhat believe in the SBI. He doesn't believe in majority of the things that the villagers did. He did believe to some extent that the SBI was real. Any strangers that enter the town are immediately sacrificed. The only way that they wouldn't be sacrificed is if they believe in the SBI. The only reason that Tommy was still alive was that the prophet said that Tommy had to be alive. According to the prophet the SBI had taken a liking to Tommy. The prophets name was Wilbur and he was fairly new. He had only lived in the town for about a week. The only reason that Tommy wasn't sacrificed before Wilbur was that any ceremony where the villagers tried to sacrifice Tommy something would go wrong. The villagers still didn't like Tommy but they didn't try to kill him anymore. Welcome to the story of Tommy Innit!

Tommy woke up to his mom talking with some of her friends. He couldn't really hear what she was saying but he knew he it was about him. Tommy say up and cracked a few bones. He stood and got dressed. He was wearing a red and white hoodie with jeans. He brushed his teeth and did all his other morning essentials before going down stairs. He was walking down the stairs when a knock at the door. He heard his mom open the and close the door. Tommy got to the bottom of the stairs and was able to see who was at the door. The prophet Wilbur Soot had come to the house. He assumed that it was because of the sacrifice that was today. "Tommy if you would please help us with this sacrifice." His mom said. "Why should I? I sacrifice animals that are not humans." He responds. "Tommy! Don't be so rude! We have a guest!" His mother exclaimed. Tommy looked at Wilbur who smiled at him. The smile made him feel odd and uncomfortable. The prophet was a very nice person who didn't want Tommy dead. Wilbur was the first prophet Tommy had ever trusted. The others seemed like they couldn't actually communicate with the gods. Tommy didn't know what was different about Wilbur but he trusted him. "Sorry Wilbur. I just don't like to sacrifice people. I believe in the SBI but I won't be sacrificing any people." Tommy says waking towards the door. "It's quite alright Tommy. The SBI doesn't really care if it's human blood or not. As long as something is sacrificed it is fine." Wilbur says. The way he looked at Tommy made him feel scared. Wilbur looked at Tommy with a possessive face but no one else seemed to notice. Tommy stepped out side to hang out with his friends Tubbo and Ranboo.

"Dad! I got to see Tommy today!" Wilbur exclaims as he walks into his home. Wilbur had gone back to the godly place where the SBI live. "He is the one who sacrifices the animals." Wilbur says "we are definitely keeping him right dad?" "Of course we are. Even Techno likes him so he must be important." Phil says. Techno just grunts in agreement. "We'll get close him tonight at the sacrifice. We can show up and live in the town for a little. Tommy's parents will probably offer us a place to stay so we will be near him." Phil says. "Of course! That makes sense so then we can take him immediately. Also we will be able to see how he's treated and if we need to destroy the village." Wilbur says. "I thought that we already agreed that we would destroy them when they tried to sacrifice him several times." Techno finally speaks. "Technos right Wil. We agreed to destroy the village once they didn't listen to our warning. They still tried to sacrifice Tommy." Phil says. "Oh yeah. Ok so we'll get Tommy then destroy the entire village." Wilbur says. They all smile manically and get their stuff ready for that night.

Hello humans! If your wondering what monsters the SBI are

Phil: has large black wings, blond hair, green eyes, super sharp claws, greenish-yellow skin, and two smaller sets of wings on he arms.

Technoblade: Has pig ears, pink skin, red eyes, can twist his body in unnatural ways without breaking anything, and he has voices.

Wilbur: has dark blue skin, black eyes, can explode anything by just touching it if he chooses, has infinite TNT, and can set anything on fire by holding it he can control this.

I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! I wanted to try something new.Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all <3

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