Chapter 8

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Tw: swearing, possessive behavior, murder, attempted murder, betrayal, mentions of sacrifice, and blood.

Third person POV

The day had started off pretty normal. They had spent a lot of time with each other and got to know Fundy better. They shared stories and jokes from their experiences. Everything was going great until someone knocked on the door. Normally if someone knocks on the door it means that they seek help. The robbers normally don't let the gods know that they are there. There was this one time that a guy planned to rob them and knocked on the door. He probably forgot that they were gods and could read minds but it was a funny attempt. Everyone in the family walked to the door. Phil opened the door and blinked. There were two kids standing in the rain. Phil recognized them as the two boys that Tommy used to hang out with. Their eyes widened as the recognized who these people were. "Oh my gods we are so sorry. We didn't know that this was the gods house." The tall one said. Tubbo stared at them seemingly completely unfazed. "It's fine mates. Why are you here?" Phil asked. "Uh well our village got destroyed by you as you know... so we kinda were looking for a place to stay. We also are looking for our friend Tommy because he disappeared the day of the whole village thing." The taller one said again. Phil nodded and looked back at his family. Clearly there was some debate because they had Tommy and they didn't know what these two might do with he him. Tommy had heard the whole thing and really wanted ti see his friends again. After a long debate they finally decided to give the kids a chance. They had been Tommy's friends but if they tried to take Tommy they would suffer. Begrudgingly Phil turned back to the boys "alright fine. You can come in." Phil steps aside and let's the boys into the house. The two boys step and to the house only to be tackled by a boy their age. "Tubbo! Ranboo! I've missed you guys so much." Tommy shrieks. "Tommy! Holy shit. We thought you fucking died. Never scare us like that again." Tubbo demanded as he wrapped his arms around Tommy. "Of course. I won't ever leave you again." Tommy promised. None of them saw the looks on all of the SBIs faces. "How did you get here Tommy?" Ranboo asks. "Uhhh so these fuckers kinda found me during the sacrifice. They took me in because they didn't like how I was being treated." Tommy explained. Tubbo nodded as they all ran off. "We need to get rid of those two." Techno says darkly.

Tubbo and Ranboo closed Tommy's door. They had spent the entire day catching up. They had missed Tommy so much. After the chaos of the sacrifice Tubbo and Ranboo were lucky to find each other. The two had gotten platonically married a few days before the sacrifice and hadn't been able to tell Tommy. The two looked at each other before Tubbo wrapped his arms around Ranboo's neck. He put his head in Ranboo's chest and Ranboo hugged Tubbo and leaned his head on Tubbo's head. "He seems happy here." Tubbo comments quietly. "Yeah. I think that he is getting the help that he needs." Ranboo says. "Do you still remember what the plan was?" Tubbo asks. "Of course. I may have a bad memory but I can remember the plan." Ranboo says. Tubbo looks up with an evil smile on his face "now that we've found him we can kill him. He won't be able to endanger the sacrifices is he's not around." Ranboo smiles and hugs him tighter "our child will grow up without the threat of someone like Tommy running his childhood." Ranboo says. The two of them turned around only to see a large figure looming over them. "You have three seconds to fucking run." The man said. The two of them looked up at the man in fear. "We sacrificed the best things and the most things. We are the most loyal people." Tubbo shrieks "you can't do this to us! We have a child." "Well maybe you should have thought about that before planning to murder our younger brother." The man says "your times up. So if your life." The man raises his axe but Ranboo teleports away. Now that they are inside of the house they can't escape. They need inside help from another god. Techno ran into the kitchen and informed everyone of what just happened. "How dare they! We have to kill them." Wilbur says. Everyone nods in agreement. "They are trapped in here unless a god or adopted god let's them out." Phil says. Wilbur nods and quickly writes Tommy a note explaining what was happening. "The hunt has begun!" Phil declares with a dark smile. With that everyone ran into the thick woods.

Tommy awoke thirty minutes later. He could feel that something was wrong. Tommy stood up and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed a glass of water when he noticed a note from his family. It read...

Dear Tommy,

Someone has broken in and we need to stop them. Please stay safe. We will be back soon. If you see Tubbo and Ranboo don't talk to them. We will explain when we get back.

Love, your family!

Why can't I talk to Tubbo and Ranboo? Tommy wondered as he started walking away. "Psst! Tommy! Your family's gone fucking insane. You have to help us." Tubbo whispers from a small room. Tommy looked over at him and ran over. "What happened?" Tommy demanded. "Your family randomly attacked us. Ranboo managed to teleport us away." Tubbo whispers. "Follow me. I know a way to get to the exit." Tommy whispers "I'm the only one who knows about this." Tommy walked over to the closet in the room that Tubbo and Ranboo were hiding in. He put his hands on a small handle on the door and twisted it. The door turned upside down and Tommy pulled on the handle. The door slid open revealing a secret tunnel. Tubbo and Ranboo followed him with evil smiles on their faces.

After a few hours of walking Tommy stopped. "We've arrived!" He announced. Tommy proceeds to grab the handle of the door and pull the door handle. The door slid away and Tommy walked out. There entrance was right in front of them. "Thank you so much. Before we go we want to give you a gift." Tubbo announces. Tommy blinks at them in surprise "oh. You don't have to!" Tommy exclaims. "Of course we do. You helped us survive. Now open the door then we will give you your prize." Ranboo says. Suddenly the three of them heard talking. "Hurry Toms. We don't have much time." Tubbo says quietly. Tommy nods and opens the door. "When will I see you two again? I really missed you." Tommy says. "Oh Tommy... your poor oblivious soul.  You should have listened to the note Toms." Tubbo says smiling. Tommy turns around and looks at them with fear and confusion. "W-what do you mean? I help- AGH!" Tommy gets cut off suddenly with a scream of pain. "Yes you helped us but you also were a little bitch. Can't you see! We were never your friends. We pretended to be your friend so that we could kill you." Tommy looks up at them with tears in his eyes. "But why? I helped you and did nothing to hurt you." Tommy whispers as blood pours out of his mouth and stomach. "Yes you did but you didn't respect the gods. You were too... different. You were a fucking brat. We both hate you." Tubbo says. "Uhh Tubs. We have to go." Ranboo says looking up. Tubbo also looked up and screamed. He backed away from the group of people standing behind Tommy. They were all glaring at the two children. Suddenly Wilbur appeared behind them and shut the door. "The game is over. You lose." Phil announced. Techno smiled as he picked up his axe and brutally smashed Ranboo's skull. By this point Tommy had passed out. He was laying on the floor in his own blood. Fundy and Wilbur both ran to him. "Will he be okay dad?" Fundy asks. "He will be fine. We do have to heal him quickly though. Phil you and Techno take care of Tubbo and Ranboo. I'll save Tommy." Wilbur says picking up Tommy and running off. Fundy follows his dad. Thoughts of Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. Echoed through Wilbur's mind as they ran through the hallways.

Hello humans! How are you? Remember that you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all <3

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