Chapter 7

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Tw:possessive behavior, swearing, mentions of mental disorders (ADHD. I don't know if this should be a trigger warning or not), and fire.

Third person POV

The three of them all appear back in their living room. Techno was sitting with Tommy and Tommy was still asleep. Techno looked up at the sound of footsteps. He saw his dad and brother as well as another young man. He assumed that this was Fundy because he had never seen this person before and he looked a lot like the pictures of Fundy when he was younger. Fundy looked around in what seemed to be shock and excitement. Techno saw Fundy's eyes land on him and Tommy. Wilbur smiles at Techno and walks over to him with Fundy. "Fundy this is your uncle Technoblade and your uncle Tommy." Techno stares into Fundy's eyes with his ruby red ones. Chat had decided to give Fundy a chance so Techno decided to listen to them. "Hello Fundy." Techno says. Wilbur smiles, knowing that he wouldn't have talked to Fundy if he didn't accept him. Wilbur then turned to Tommy "and this is Tommy!" He announced to Fundy. Fundy looked at Tommy and Techno could tell that he was going to be an amazing addition. The flash of emotions in Fundys eyes told everyone that Fundy would protect Tommy no matter what. Wilbur sat on the couch next to Tommy and Fundy sat next to him. They started taking about everything that had happened while they were separated. Phil sat in a chair talking to his crows. Techno smiles and pets Tommy's hair.

Tommy awoke a few hours later. He sighed and curled up closer to the person behind him. "Oh! Your awake Toms." Techno says "we have a new member we would like you to meet. He's close to your age." Techno explains. Tommy nods and sits up. He stretched his wings and tail before standing up. Techno stood up after Tommy and started walking towards the kitchen. Tommy followed Techno in excitement. He had no idea that they had gotten a new member so this was very exciting for him. "Fundy! Wilbur! Tommy's awake if Fundy want to meet him." Techno says leaning on the door frame. Tommy heard the conversation pause and he walked up beside Techno. A boy he'd never seen was standing in the kitchen near Wilbur. The person looked at him and smiled at Tommy. Tommy saw sharp fangs and blinked. He finally realized that the person was shorter than him by a little. He had white and orange fur, fox ears and a tail, his eyes were a dark yellow but he kept his eyes closed as if it hurt to open them, he also noticed the claws on him. "Hello Tommy! I'm Wilbur's son. My name is Fundy and it's amazing to meet you." Fundy says. Tommy blinked a few times before smiling "Hello Fundy! It's amazing to meet you to. I'm really excited to get to know you." Fundy smiled and Tommy grinned. Tommy and Techno walked into the room and Techno sat on one of the kitchen chairs. Tommy quickly hugged Fundy before making the amazing decision to sit in the middle of the kitchen floor. Wilbur looked at Tommy confused "Why are you sitting in the floor? We have chairs for a reason." Tommy stared at Wilbur before answering "because chairs are shit. The floor is much more are tables. Anything that was not meant to be sat on is better than a chair. That is my decision and because it's my opinion it is the most pog opinion." Tommy explained. Everyone just stared at Tommy in confusion. "What?"Tommy asks. "Pog? What's pog?" Fundy asks. Tommy blinked at them "pog is like amazing, fantastic, awesome." "Oh." Fundy says. Wilbur sighs but smiles at Tommy. Tommy grins back before looking at the floor. He started tracing things and randomly poking the floor. Fundy went back to helping Wilbur cook while Techno made sure they didn't set the kitchen on fire. "Tommy seems sweet." Fundy says. "He is. That's why we chose him. His village was treating him badly. He's really talented. If anyone dares to hurt him we will kill them." Wilbur says, a dark tone overtaking his voice at the end of his sentence. Fundy nods in agreement. "Hey why did Techno say that you aren't allowed in the kitchen alone?" Fundy asks. Wilbur blushes in embarrassment "Techno! Why would you tell him?" "Because I thought he should know the basic rules of the house." Techno says followed by a quiet "also I wanted him to know how stupid his dad could be." Wilbur groans in annoyance "The reason that I am not allowed in the kitchen alone is because I set the kitchen on fire once." Wilbur says. Techno raised his eyebrows before speaking "he set the kitchen on fire several times, set water on fire, and managed to set the microwave on fire while making a bag of popcorn." Fundy looks at his dad in shock "how did you manage to set the MICROWAVE of fire from a BAG OF POPCORN." "I'll answer that for you. The idiot put the popcorn in the microwave for three hours instead of three minutes. The popcorn caught on fire after about thirty minutes. We thought that it was taking a long time but we dealing with some of the animals that had managed to get into the living room." Techno explains. Wilbur whines in embarrassment "you little fucker. I'll have your head!" Wilbur screeched. "Try me. We both know that I'm stronger than you." Techno says in a monotoned voice. "Fuck you!" Wilbur yelled as he lunged at Techno. Techno and Wilbur started fighting but it quickly ended when Phil came into the kitchen.

Tommy finally looked up from the floor after about forty minutes. He realized that Fundy had come and sat next to him. "Hey Fundy!" Tommy says. "What are you doing Toms? You seemed invested in it." Fundy asks. "Nothing really. I just get distracted really easily. That's one of the reasons as to why I was shunned in the village." Tommy whispers. Fundy sighs and hugs Tommy "don't ever listen to those people. You are very special and you matter lots to us." Fundy says. Tommy smiles at Fundy "I think I have ADHD but nobody ever bothered to check." Tommy says. "We can get you diagnosed if you would like." Fundy says. Tommy looks up at Fundy hopefully "you would do that!" "Of course moonlight." Fundy says. Tommy grinned and hugged Fundy tight "thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Tommy whispers. Fundy laughs and hugs Tommy back "of course."

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3.

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