Chapter 11

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Tw:betrayal, death, ghost, manipulation, possessive behavior, swearing, and a funeral

Third person POV

Tommy wipes his eyes on his sleeves. He knows that Purpled had betrayed him but he still wanted to give him a proper burial. He wants to have a wake or at least a funeral. Even if Purpled had betrayed him, he still deserves something. His last few years weren't really pretty and he was still kind to Tommy. Tommy also doesn't know how much he believes Mrs. Kristen. He's starting to doubt his family. They love him and he knows this but they seem a little to...loving. It's almost creepy how much they seem to care about him. Tommy continued to cry in his room. When he looks up he sees the ghost of a boy. "Purpled? I thought that you could only come when I'm asleep." Tommy says quietly. "Yeah I don't know how I'm here. I want you to know that I never betrayed you. Your family is far to possessive for their own good. They care way to much about you." Purple's says. "Oh uhm I don't know how much I believe you. I'm sorry Purps but you left me when I needed you most. I'm sorry but I don't trust you. I will give you a proper burial though." Tommy promises. Purpled sighs "please stay safe Toms. I want you to live a good life." Purple's whispers as he fades away. Tommy starts laughing quietly to himself "god what am I doing with my life? I really need mental help." Tommy is both crying and laughing "I can't believe he fucking betrayed me. I am so mad at him! Why do I still want to remember him? He's an awful person." Tommy mutters. Suddenly a knock sounded at the door "Tommy? Are you in there?" Phil asks. "Yeah I'm here. I'm going to be out in a moment." Tommy says as he stands. He cleans himself up a little before walking out of his bedroom door.

Phil was waiting outside of his door. "We were wondering if you wanted to remember Purpled? Like do a viewing and a funeral." Phil asks. "Yeah that would be nice." Tommy whispers. "Alright then we will do that as soon as we can." Phil says. Tommy nods and smiles gratefully. He then walks down the stairs, completely missing the look that Phil gives him. Phil stared after Tommy with a sour look on his face. He looked like he had just eaten a lemon and seen a loved one die. It was not a good combination. "Well we will have to get mom to try harder." Wilbur says coming up next to Phil. "Yeah. No shit." Phil says angrily. "Ok you seriously need to calm down. We are all angry but if you are snapping at everyone then we can't come up with a plan." Wilbur reasons. "Yeah...yeah you're right. I'm sorry." Phil says. "Hey it's fine dad. Nobody's perfect and you were just angry. It happens." Wilbur says as he puts his hand on his father's shoulder. "We should get downstairs so Tommy doesn't get suspicious" Phil decides. "Yeah that's a good idea. He probably will be absolutely pissed if we make him wait for to long." Wilbur says. They both make their way downstairs without realizing the young ghost boy recording their conversation. "I will protect Tommy at all costs. You can't get rid of me that easily." The young ghost boy mutters before floating away.

Once Phil and Wilbur make it back downstairs they saw Tommy sitting on a counter talking to Fundy. "Oh hey guys! Your back!" Tommy says once he sees Phil and Wilbur. "Yeah. Where is Techno?" Wilbur asks. "Oh he said that he had to go and talk to someone." Tommy says as he takes a bite of an apple. "Oh ok." Wilbur says as Techno runs down the stairs. "hey nerds. I need to talk to Phil, Wilbur, and Fundy for a second. Will you be ok on your own?" Techno asks. Tommy nods as the four of them walk out of the room. "Ok we have a problem. Purple's ghost is floating around here. We need to do the funeral as quickly as possible." Techno says. Wilbur looks at Techno in shock "oh shit! Ok so we really need to do the funeral." "Wait why do we need to do the funeral. Shouldn't we be trying to kill the ghost?" Fundy asks. "The funeral kills the ghost. That's why humans preform the burials or at least they respectfully leave the dead to rest." Wilbur explains. Fundy blinked trying to register this new information "Ok so we have to get rid of Purpleds body?" He asks to confirm. "Yeah that's basically the gist of it." Wilbur says. "Alright! We have to get rid of Purpled's body!" Fundy says happily. Everyone nods in agreement.

Tommy stairs at his family. They had originally been very reluctant to give Purpled a proper burial but now they were very eager to get the funeral over with. Tommy just chalked it up
To them being nervous for Tommy's feelings. "So Toms are you ready for the funeral?" Wilbur asks as he straitened Tommy's suit. "Not really." Tommy admits shyly. "It'll be ok. We are all here for you." Wilbur says quietly. "Alright I think I'm ready." Tommy says. Wilbur wraps his arms around Tommy and they make their way into the funeral home. "Hey Toms." Techno says as Tommy sits down next to him. "Hey Tech." Tommy says. He leans onto Technos arms and yawns. "You okay there Toms? You look tired." Phil says from the other side of Techno. "Yeah I'm fine. It's just been really stressful and I haven't been sleeping well." Tommy says. "Alright, well you just have to make it through this ceremony then we can all go to sleep." Phil says sweetly. Tommy nods his head and looks forward to the closed coffin. Purpled was inside and they had cremated him already. His ashes were in the coffin because they didn't want Tommy getting suspicious of them. They all watched as the grave was lowered into the ground and Tommy just sighed. "You know... I thought that I would be a lot sadder despite the fact that he betrayed me. Honestly I don't know how to feel but I know that it isn't sad." Tommy mutters quietly. "It's ok to be unsure about your emotions Toms. Your tired and you don't have to understand your emotions all the time. The feeling of sadness and grief will hit you at different times." Wilbur says. "Thanks Wilby." Tommy mutters. Wilbur smiles maniacally at the nickname Tommy gave him. To most it would be a small gesture but to Wilbur it meant the world. On their way back to the car Wilbur carried Tommy out to the car. Tommy fell asleep in his arms and Phil ran his hands through Tommy's hair. "Our sweet boy. He's so naive and wholesome." Wilbur mutters. He pulls Tommy into a tight hug but stops when he feels something in Tommy's pocket. He reaches into Tommy's pocket and finds a small bag with three items. The first item was a picture of Tommy and Purpled, the second item was a phone, and the third item was a note reading

Tommy my password is ******. Please check out the first video in my camera roll. DO NOT tell your family about this. love your platonic husband, from Purpled.

Wilbur was confused so he entered the password and watched the video. It was the video of himself and Phil talking about the funeral and how much they all disliked Purpled. The video had all the evidence that Purpled would need to prove that these three murdered him. Wilbur made several annoyed sounds. He crumbles up the paper and looks to his family with fire in his eyes. "What happened Wilbur?" Phil asks. "Purpled recorded our conversations and was planning on showing Tommy." Wilbur says angrily. Phil looks surprised but just sighs "we will talk with Tommy about it when we get home."

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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