Chapter 6

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This song is the song I'm going to sing for my audition! I joined my schools drama club and I'm super nervous. The auditions aren't until next month but it's still scary. Anyways please enjoy!

Tw: possessive behavior, mentions of torture, murder, accidental deadnaming.

Third person POV

The group of three stared at their new family member. He was sleeping peacefully and they were very happy that he accepted everything they told him. They had never really felt attached to anyone but each other before. They hadn't known all of the emotions that one could feel. They felt that they had to protect him. If anyone hurt him they would rip them to shreds. They wouldn't stand for anyone hurting their moonlight. They smiled and hugged him. They all suddenly felt a familiar tingle. Someone was sacrificing something to them. They knew that several settlements across the world believed in the three but they were few. Normally people would sacrifice blood because of Techno but never Salmons blood or crows blood. Everyone had heard the story of what happened when a group accidentally slayed one of Phil's crows. They did it purely out of respect for Wilbur because his wife was a salmon. Wilbur also had a daughter but he had no idea where she had gone. Floris had left one day and never come back. Wilbur knew that his daughter wasn't dead so he wasn't to worried. His wife had died during one of the attacks on their house. Wilbur had tortured the people for an incredibly long time. Despite being worshiped and feared people would still break in and try to kill then because of their powers. An offering appeared in front of Wilbur and he picked it up. "Hey guys. We have to tell all of the camps that we have a new member don't we?" Techno asked. "No. We can't tell them or else they might hurt him. If they know about him then they could try and steal him from us." Wilbur says. Phil nods in agreement "I think it's best if we don't tell them." Techno sighs but nods his head. Wilbur looked back down at the photo and sees a written message. The message reads

Dear Wilbur

     We have found your son hiding in our village. We would like to give him back to you. We don't want to disappoint you however so we are going to send you some of his information.

First name: Fundy (deadname: Floris)

Last name: N/A

Age: 20

Occupation: N/A

Date of birth: 10/10/1789

Pronouns: he/him

Extra info: is a trans male. He was born a female and just showed up here one day. He came out as trans and was raised by the leader. He has a strong connection to the spirit world.

Physical features: orange hair, brown eyes, fox ears, fox tail.

Other: extremely good eyesight, fast runner, short, carnivore.

If this is your son we would like to return him to you. He had a vision that said that he would be reunited with you. Please visit our village.


Wilbur smiled as he read through the information about his son. He missed his son a lot. They never really got to know each other because Fundy had disappeared at around ten years old. "Hey dad, Techno. I found my son hiding in the village that just sent this to me." Wilbur hands them the note. They read through it and hand it back. "Well it wouldn't hurt to bring in one more." Phil says. Wilbur's grin widens as they get ready to make their journey.

The group had decided that they couldn't leave their moonlight alone so they decided that Techno would stay with Tommy. Wilbur was basically hopping up and down in excitement. "I haven't seen him in years! I'm so excited!" Wilbur says. Phil smiles at how excited his son is. "Do you think he'll like Tommy?" Phil asks. "If he doesn't then I will cry and never speak to him again. I love Tommy to much and those who don't like him deserve death." Wilbur says, his eyes flashing with possessiveness. Phil nods in understanding. They walked around for a few hours before finally finding Fundy. The village was surprisingly big. If didn't help that Fundy was apparently a very busy helper. They had asked several people where Fundy was and every time they got to where he was supposed to be he had moved. Wilbur finally just decided that they should go and ask the leader because the note said that Fundy lived there. Wilbur walked in the door and was immediately greeted with the sound of talking. One of the people must have heard the door open because a young man with orange hair peeked out. Wilbur immediately recognized him as the man from the photo. He could feel the power radiating off of Fundy. All creatures of his, Phil's, and Technos race could sense power. Fundy seemed to sense it to as he blinked at them before saying "dad?" "Hi Fundy! I missed you so much my son!" Wilbur says. Fundy started crying and ran into his dads arms. "Dad! I missed you so much." Another man peeked out of the place. Wilbur's eyes widened and he growled. The man was one of the men from Tommy's old village. Wilbur flipped through the man's memories and he could see everything. He saw how he made fun of Tommy and how he had forcefully taken this village. Phil seemed to recognize this man as well as he spread his wings. Fundy looked at his dad confused and Wilbur sighed "Fundy that man hurt someone from our family. His name is Tommy and he's very important to us. That man hurt Tommy." Wilbur then showed Fundy a few pictures of Tommy. Fundy bared his teeth and he finally gained his true form. His teeth grew into wickedly sharp fangs, orange and white fur, sharp claws, and the ability to catch anything. Fundy growled at the man and grabbed him. He took his head in one of his paws and ripped it off of his head. Wilbur smiled at his son and put his hand on his shoulder. "Great job son. I love you. Let's go home now so you can meet Tommy and Techno." Fundy smiled and hugged his dad "I love you too dad. That would be great. Tommy looks amazing and I just want to protect him." Fundy whispers. Wilbur smiles "you feel the same as the rest of us. Why don't you help us murder anyone who hurts Tommy." Wilbur says. Fundy nods as Wilbur, Fundy, and Phil walk through the portal.

Hello humans! How are you? The reason I used Floris was because canonically Fundy is trans. Also this is a society where being trans is excepted even in 1789. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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