Chapter 2

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Tw:possessive behavior, neglect, sacrifice, cults, religion, murder, and death

Third person POV

The town square was incredibly loud. Tommy was apparently being brought in to sacrifice again despite Wilbur's many warnings. The town's people didn't seem to believe in Wilbur as much as Tommy did. The reason was probably because he was newer to town. Tommy groaned internally as the sacrifices were all lined up. They were finally ushered forward to the ring of fire with a sharp sword. The first person was some small orphan who Tommy didn't know. Tommy always felt bad when small children were sacrificed. Tommy was the last one of the sacrifices. Apparently they took some advice because they didn't stab him and just shoved him really close to the fire. They tried to shove him into the fire but a powerful force ripped through the town. It shoved Tommy away from the fire and he tumbled back. When he looked up there were three figures in the fire. They looked like the SBI's description. Tommy looked around and saw everyone staring up in awe at the fire. The creatures all stepped out of the fire and everyone in the village bowed down. They knelt down on their knees and put their hands up. Tommy knelt down on one knee as a sign of respect. The SBI looked around and it was clear that they were angry. "We gave you several warnings to not sacrifice this boy!" Philza boomed. His voice echoed around the village "we sent you a prophet that said to not sacrifice him and you still did not listen." The leader of the cult walked up to them then bowed down to them "we are so sorry but this boy does not do what the rituals ask. He does not respect you and so he should be punished." The leader said. "This boy believes in us and does things in his own way. He should not be punished." Wilbur agreed with his dad. Wilbur's voice also echoed around the village. "We are so sorry! Please forgive us for our awful mistakes." The leader says. "Fine. You all have one more chance to prove yourselves." Philza says "we will be staying in your village to see how you all act." "Of course god Philza. You and your sons shall stay. Would you like to stay at the temple?" The priest asks. "We would like to stay with some civilians. Who would be willing to let us stay with them?" Philza asks. Everyone in the village raised their hands except the young children. The creatures quickly found who Tommy's parent were and decided to stay with them. "We will be staying with the Innit family." The creatures declared. Everyone stared up at them almost in shock before the leader spoke again "are you sure? They are lovely people but Thomas Innit does not worship you in a proper way." "Yes we are sure. Are you doubting our decisions?" Techno growls. "No no of course not! Will the Simons family please welcome the SBI into their humble abode?" The leader asks. Mrs. and Mr. Simons both step up followed slowly by Thomas. The SBI shrank down to human sizes and they all walked back to the house.

It had been a few weeks and the SBI got to see how awful Thomas was treated just because he worshiped them in a different way. Meanwhile Tommy noticed how closely the SBI was watching him. Tommy had several times where he would fall asleep and just when he drifted off he could hear his door open. Tommy was also treated worse than normal because the gods of the village were here. He was almost always forced to be outside doing chores or he was being scolded. He never got a break. His parents didn't seem to notice the glares from the SBI whenever they would shove him out of the house. Tommy didn't understand why the SBI seemed to like him so much. They were always trying to be close to him and trying to speak to him. He didn't understand but maybe he would find out. Meanwhile Phil, Techno, and Wilbur all set up their plan. They had been planning for weeks. Wilbur stood up with Techno as they both set the plan in motion.

Tommy was just playing outside when Wilbur Soot and Technoblade both approached him. Tommy watched them as they both sat down next to him. "Hey Tommy! How are you"? Wilbur asks. Tommy immediately found this suspicious but he answered anyways because he respects these beings "I'm good how are you two?" "We are good." Technoblade says in his gruff monotone voice. Tommy nods before going back to making his small leaf tower. He was in the middle of the forest but he didn't question how these beings found him. "How did you find this place?" Wilbur asks. Tommy blinks a few times before responding "I... found it by- walking around?" Tommy says "why did you want to find me." "Why wouldn't we want to find you. This place looks really cool and we have been observing how the other villagers treat you." Wilbur says. Techno growls quietly but doesn't say anything. Tommy doesn't say anything and he just continues building his leaf towers. "How long have they been treating you like that?" Wilbur asks. "For as long as I can remember." Tommy mutters. Wilbur just sighs "would you like to leave the village?" Tommy looks up at him. His expression is a mix between hope and annoyance "I can't go anywhere else because this is the only place that believes in you. Trust me I would like to leave but I can't." Tommy says. "What if you were to live with us?" Wilbur asks. Tommy looks at Wilbur with shock written all over his face. "Are you serious because if you are then absolutely yes." Tommy smiles. "Ok then we need you to fall asleep so we can transport you there." Wilbur says. Tommy lays down on Wilbur's lap and falls into a deep slumber. Perhaps if he wasn't so tired he would have seen the maniacal expression on Wilbur's face. Alas Tommy did not and so he would have to deal with the consequences.

Hello humans! I'm m so sorry for not updating but the second term just started and we will have a lot of work. I am so sorry if I don't update. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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