Chapter 9

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Tw: swearing, mentions of death, and religion.

Third person POV

Everyone was silent. Tommy had yet to wake up and everyone was scared. Wilbur had patched Tommy up but the wound was deep and nasty. Wilbur had found traces of poison from the knife as well. Fundy was holding Tommy's hand. Tommy's pulse was there but it was faint. The pulse fluttered and beat weakly. A tall woman suddenly appeared next to Phil. "Kristen! What brings you here?" Phil asks. "I heard about Tommy. I will save him but you have to promise me that you won't do anything stupid. That means that you can't become so incredibly possessive that you will lie to him, harm him, drug him, or trap him." The woman says quietly. "Of course." Phil says. "If you break this promise then I won't kill him. However many of the other gods won't be happy about it. They will likely visit you and they won't be to pleased. You might be very powerful but you can't beat them if they all team up." Lady death warns before disappearing. "Thank you Kristen." Is all Phil says. "So he's going to be okay?" Wilbur asks. "Yes. He will be fine." Phil says. Wilbur smiles and squeezes Tommy's hands.

After two hours of waiting Tommy finally started to stir. "He's waking up. Go get him some food and something to drink." Wilbur says urgently. Phil stands up and runs to the kitchen. Tommy groaned and sat up a little. "Oh Toms your alright!" Wilbur says happily. He holds Tommy's hands and is in tears. "What the fuck happened?" Tommy asks. His voice was broken and cracked. "Tubbo and Ranboo stabbed you." Wilbur says. Tommy sighs "those fuckers." Wilbur pats his back gently "we can go and kill them if you want." Wilbur suggested. "No it's fine. It was my fault. I didn't listen to what you said and I was stupid." Tommy says quietly. "No Toms! It wasn't your fault! They were your friends and you wanted to help them. You are just a very kind person." Fundy says. "Thanks Fundy." Tommy smiles "hey Techno!" "Hey Toms. You really scared us." Techno says. Tommy nods "glad to know that you were worried about me." Techno blinks before quickly hugging Tommy "I love you Toms." Techno whispers. He quickly lets go of Tommy. Tommy looks at Techno in surprise because Techno didn't normally initiate in physical contact. "Don't think to much of it nerd." Techno says before walking away. Phil walked into the room and sets some soup and water on the table next to Tommy. "We are glad that you are awake Toms." Phil says with a smile. Tommy smiles back at him and hugs him as best he can. "Thank you dadza." Tommy says. Phil smiles at the name and hugs Tommy back "of course Toms."

That night everyone was sleeping soundly when the alarm went off, signaling that someone had broken in. Everyone had gotten up and started looking for the intruder immediately. They didn't find anything. Nothing was stolen, no one was dead, everything seemed to be just fine." This is weird. Nothing was taken and everything seems fine. Why would someone break in and then just leave?" Wilbur asks. "Maybe they realized that we were gods and ran?" Phil suggested. "How would they know that though? We don't keep things here that would tel them that gods live here." Tech no points out. "I don't know. Maybe there was an accident or something?" Wilbur suggested. Techno sighs "since we are all up we should check on Tommy."  Wilbur nods and runs ahead of the other two.

Techno and Phil made it to the healing room to see Wilbur staring at the bed. His hands were smoking and it looked like he was about to explode the entire house. "What's wrong Wil? Why are you so mad?" Phil asks in concern. "I found out what they took." Wilbur says pointing a smoking finger at the bed. Tommy's imprint was on the bed. It was cold and seemed to only confirm that he was the one that the person took. Phil's feathers puffed up, Fundys fur was standing in end and he looked like he was about to kill, and Technos body looked like it was about to explode. His arms and torso were twisting in odd ways. "The person came here to steal Tommy but they managed to also leave. How?" Phil asks. "I think that it might have been someone that Tommy trusted. Tommy might have seen someone that he trusted and let the person take him away." Techno says. "Right but who? Was it Tubbo, Ranboo, or someone that we don't know?" Fundy asks. "I don't think it would be Tubbo or Ranboo. Tommy had made it very clear that he was done with those two." Phil says. "Tommy had mentioned someone else. I don't remember his name. I think it started with a p and ended with -led." Techno mutters. "Oh yeah Purpled. He was Tommy's friend when the town exiled him away for a month. Tubbo and Ranboo didn't visit but Purpled had thought that it was unfair that Tommy was exiled for an unfair reason." Wilbur says. "Maybe Purpled had survived and was looking for Tommy?" Techno suggests. "That might be true. If that is the case then that explains why Tommy let the person leave with him." Wilbur says. "Well let's go and find him." Phil says standing up. Techno grabs his axe and Wilbur flexes his hands.

Tommy woke up in someone's arms. "Hey uhhh who are you?" Tommy asks. He looks up at the person carrying him and sees the purple antenna on his head. "Purpled! I haven't seen you in forever! Where are we?" Tommy asks. "We are almost at my village." Purpled says. He adjusts Tommy into a more comfortable position. "Alright. Did my family know that you took me?" Tommy asks. "Family? You were alone." Purpled says in confusion. "Fuck." Tommy mutters "so uhhhhh I kinda live with the gods that we used to worship." Tommy explains. "I'm sorry what? You live with the beings that we used to sacrifice to? How did that happen?" Purpled demanded. "So when they came to our village they had taken a liking to me. They asked if I wanted to live with them and so I said yes. They destroyed the village and basically killed everyone. So yeah." Tommy explains "and since you didn't tell them anything they are probably freaking out. You may or may not die. It depends on if I can explain to them what happened before they kill you." Purples sighs "well I'm so sorry that I took you away from your family. I will try to return you as soon as possible." Purpled says opening a door "for now though welcome to my house." Tommy smiles and gets put down. "Wow your house is really cool." Tommy exclaims. "Thank you Tommy. I'm going to go upstairs and get some sleep goodnight." Purples says. Tommy smiles and nods before sitting down. After a few minutes of reading a loud bang could be heard outside.

Hello humans! I might not update for a while. My grandpa isn't doing to well and he is going to die soon. I am either going to update a lot or not at all for the next few weeks so I'm sorry if this causes any sort of inconvenience. Remember, you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3 take care of yourselves.

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