Chapter 5

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Tw: slight gaslighting, murder, swearing, death, breaking and entering, and possessive behavior.

Third person POV

Tommy woke up to his family sleeping next to him. He curled into them and sighed. He was happy to be here with his family. For some reason Tommy couldn't shake the feeling of some extra weight on his back. He groaned and shifted a little. "Toms? Are you awake?" Someone asks. "Mmmmm..." Tommy groans. "I'll take that as a yes. Get up we need to do things." The person says. Tommy sits up and goes to rub his eyes but is stopped. "Toms you can't do that remember. You have claws." The person says. Tommy sighs not really registering what the person said and blinking his sleep away. He looked around the unfamiliar room. How the actual fuck did I get here? Where am I? Tommy thinks before remembering what had happened a few days ago. At least he thinks it was a few days ago he doesn't know. Tommy looked around in confusion. Everything looked...different. He didn't know why but everything looked odd. Tommy sighs and stands up, immediately getting dizzy from laying down for so long. Suddenly Wilbur is there, holding Tommy up. "Are you alright?" Wilbur asks with concern. "Yeah. I'm just not used to this. My vision looks... different. It's weird. I can see everything extremely clearly and I can see where something had been disturbed." Tommy says steadying himself. Wilbur smiles and hugs him "Yeah. Your eyes needed surgery because they weren't working properly." Wilbur says. "Oh. Ok thanks Wil." Tommy says "also I have a weight on my back that I can't remember feeling before. Is there something on my back?" "Yeah you have wings remember. You've always had wings, a tail, and claws." Wilbur says. "Oh I guess I just was remembering wrong." Tommy mutters. Wilbur smiles at him sympathetically but something deeper was hiding behind the smile. Tommy shook it off as paranoia. They would never do anything to hurt me. They love me and I love them. They're my family. Tommy thinks. He blinks in confusion because he had never thought of anyone as his family before. He shrugs it off. I guess if anyone deserves to be my family it's them. Tommy thinks to himself as he walks downstairs. Little did Tommy know that his acceptance of them being his family would give them all the control.

Tommy appeared downstairs followed by Wilbur. "Tommy! Good morning." Phil says. "Good morning." Tommy says. "We should do proper introductions now that Tommy is finally awake." The women to the right of Phil says. "That's a great idea my dear." Phil says. They all sit at the table. "Hello Tommy and welcome to our family. I'm Phil but you can just call me dad." Phil says. "I'm Kristen but Wilbur and Techno normally call me Mumza." Kristen says. "I'm Wilbur but you can just call me Wil." Wilbur says. "I'm Techno." Technoblade says. Tommy nods and leans into Wilbur. He doesn't notice the smiles that spread on everyone's faces. "Hey Toms. Would you like to go on your first mission as a member of our family?" Phil asks. Tommy blinks at him and suddenly his head is filled with voices say yes! Says yes! It will help you! They are your family! You should agree! Tommy nods his head before setting his head back down on Wilbur. "We will start after breakfast then!" Phil says. Tommy nods and Techno puts his hoofed paw on Tommy's back.

Tommy is lead to a giant room. From that room is a hallway that has a path of disturbed stuff like dirt and papers. The voices were back screaming at him to go into the room. Tommy steps into the room and his senses are sharpened. He is aware of every sound and every smell around him. He's seized by an extreme blood lust that's telling him to kill. The voices aren't helping as they are yelling at him to find the people and kill them. Somehow he knew that there were intruders. People had invaded his home and threatened his family. He had to find them and kill them. Quickly but quietly Tommy ran off into the hallway.

"He was the right choice. Look at how he just went after them." Wilbur says excitedly. "He has voices like me." Techno says "he is my favorite sibling." Wilbur stared at Techno. "We are literally twins! I've been with you for the longest!" Wilbur whines. "Shut up Wil. I still love you it's just that he's the favorite." Techno growls. "We have to follow him. We have to see how he handles this." Phil says. They all follow Tommy as quietly as they could. "He's really fast and he seems to know where he's going." Wilbur says. Phil nods in agreement and Kristen watches as Tommy pauses. "He knows that there are intruders. He knows that we are here but he won't attack because he knows that we aren't intruders." Kristen observers. "Yeah. He's obviously accepted us as his family and now he's becoming his best self. He is going to be able to protect us but he also needs protection from the awful people of Earth. He's to precious to lose." Wilbur says watching Tommy with sadistic eyes. Everyone nods in agreement. "We have to make sure that he doesn't get hurt. If anyone even tries to hurt him they will die in the most painful way possible." Techno mutters.

Tommy continued running through the maze of hallways. He knew that his family was up in the ceiling but he didn't care. People had broken in and they might hurt his family and that was the most important thing. He has to protect his family. The hallways were confusing but Tommy could follow the smallest trails. Eventually he made it to a small room with three people in it. These were the intruders and he knew it. They had no escape from him because the hallways ended here. Tommy stayed low and observed what they were doing. He smiled as he realized that only one of them was awake. This would be incredibly easy. Tommy fell out of the hallway pretending to be wounded. The man, who had dirty blond hair and a white smiley mask, walked towards him. "Holy crap kid. Are you alright? How did you get here?" The man asked. "I don't know. They're after me. I need help. Please sir! Please!" Tommy sobbed. "Of course kid! We're you followed?" The man asked helping him up. "No they didn't follow me. I lost them in the hallways." Tommy whispered. The man led Tommy over to the camp sight and sat down. Tommy can up behind him. "You know you really shouldn't trust a random stranger." Tommy whispers as his wings wrapped around the man. The wings sharp feathers pierced the man's skin and pierced several veins. The man died a very painful death. Tommy smiled and then went to the brunette male and slit his throat with his claws. Finally Tommy heard the man behind him stir. His tail lifted and jabbed down into the man's chest. A scream of pain from the man echoed through the room before he fell effectively dead. Tommy checked their pulses and smiled when he found that none of them had any pulse. He felt someone hug him from behind. "Good job little brother! That was impressive." Wilbur says "Come on. Let's go watch a movie and relax together." Tommy smiles and they all walk off.

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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