Chapter 12

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Tw:implied death, blood, mentions of death, death, kidnapping, abuse, torment, fire, burning, possessive behavior, and manipulation

Third person POV

Tommy groaned as he awoke. He sat up and felt around for his phone. "Good morning Toms!" Wilbur says. "Morning Wilby." Tommy mutters rubbing his eyes. He finally found his phone and checked the time. "How are you feeling?" Wilbur asks. Tommy can detect suspicion although it was buried very well. If he were a child who had never dealt with that fine of voice before it would have worked. "What's wrong? Why don't you trust me?" Tommy asks quietly "did I do something wrong?" "No no no no. Sweetie you did nothing wrong. We just found something from Purpled in your coat pocket. I wanted to know if you knew anything about it?" Wilbur says soothingly. Tommy just looked confused "uhhhhh Purpled left something in my jacket? I don't remember anything. Can I maybe see it to see if I recognize it?" Tommy asks. Wilbur heavily debated on weather or not he should let Tommy see it. Eventually he decides that Tommy sounded genuine enough. "Yeah you can see it." Wilbur decides. Tommy jumps out of bed and follows Wilbur down the stairs. Wilbur leads Tommy to the phone. The password had been crumpled up so Tommy couldn't see it. "Uhhhh is that Purpled's phone?" Tommy asks in confusion.  "Yeah. We found it in your pocket when you were asleep." Wilbur whispers. "Oh. I don't know how it got there." Tommy says looking very confused. "Oh ok." Wilbur says relived. "Why do you sound so relived?" Tommy asks. "We were worried that you were lying to us." Wilbur says simply. "Oh no never!" Tommy exclaims.

Tommy awoke in his bed surrounded by his kidnappers. That was a nice dream. Tommy thought. It had been a few years since his 'family' had 'saved' his from his village. At first he thought that they were good people but that all changed. Once Tommy got taken away by Purpled everything changed. The way that things really happened played out as the following:

(Just a clarification all the events before Purpled's death were real. Everything after was a dream. This is what really happened.)

Tommy walked down a hallway after hearing screams. He walked into a room that he had never seen before and stood horrified. His platonic husband was on the floor dead. He screamed and ran out of the room. Unfortunately he didn't notice the murder of crows that flocked the ceiling. He ran and ran until he reached his bedroom. He fell to his knees and sobbed into his hands. "Toms are you alright? We heard you scream." Wilbur says. "Y-yeah I'm fine." Tommy sniffles wiping his eyes on his hoodie sleeve. "Oh sweetheart your not alright. You were crying. Such pretty tears. You look beautiful even when crying." Wilbur comments. Tommy flinches at the weird comments but decided to answer the first question "Purpled's dead. I saw him laying dead in the living room." Tommy whispered. "Oh yeah. You don't need him! You have us! Or are we not enough?" Wilbur asks. Tommy tears up again at the pain of Wilbur's nails digging into his cheeks. "You are enough I just really wanted to see him. I've known him for longer than you all and I deserve to have other friends." Tommy says defiantly. Wilbur scowls at this "Tommy how dare you speak to us that way. We are the ONLY people you need. You will listen to us and not talk to anyone except us." Wilbur says. Tommy stood up and felt Wilbur's long fingernails rip off a little of his skin. "You can't control me. You don't fucking own me! I'm a human!" Tommy yells. Wilbur grabs Tommy and completely restrains him. "Dad Tommy's acting up! He needs a punishment!" Wilbur yells. Soon Phil walks in and asks "what did he do?" "He's defying me and is claiming that we don't control him. He is mad at us for killing Purpled's. Plus he believes that he can talk to other people beside us. Also he yelled at me and back talked me." Wilbur says. Tommy feels a hand land a slap across his face, stinging his already bleeding scratches from Wilbur. Tommy feels Phil hit him again. "You will listen to us and do as we say you little bitch. If you don't then the punishments will be so much worse than what your about to endure." Phil says with a maniacal smile.

Over the next few hours Tommy was burned, frozen, hit, bled out, and generally abused. Once they had finished abusing and tormenting him Phil came up to Tommy and grabbed his chin. "You do know that we are doing this because it's what's best for you right?" Phil asks gently. His tone was soft and caring. "Of course dad. I'm sorry that I tried to defy you and yell at you and Wilbur." Wilbur says coming up behind him. For a while they manipulated Tommy into believing that this was what was best for him. They might believe that but Tommy knows better now. However he can't escape because he really doesn't know where he is. Also the punishment would be awful if he did escape. They cared for him, let him, and treated him like royalty but they also abused, cut, burned, whipped, branded, and froze the poor soul. Tommy was no longer allowed to help defend the house and his family was fiercely protective. He couldn't even get out of bed without them thinking that he was trying to escape. Originally he had been so happy and longed to live the rest of eternity here but know he wants it to end. He wants someone to find them and kill him. His life here was miserable and if he had to spend one more week here he might break.

His prediction was almost correct. He did break a little over a week and a half with them. Now when people break in all they see is a broken boy and they hear the whispered words of "dreams don't come true."

Hello humans! How are you? What did you think? This is the final chapter! Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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