Chapter Six

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So finally getting chapter six out, I suddenly got sick and had to give myself a day when I knew I felt a bit better. The next chapter for The Sorcerer's Revenge will take a bit more time to post. I just wanted to get this one there and over with so I didn't have to worry about it anymore. Please enjoy.


Jungkook woke up very little and very clingy. If he wasn't being held, he was always at least gripping Jimin's shirt or his arm. He would barely speak, only make little noises to let everyone know he was paying attention to them or he wanted more attention than they were giving him. It would be fine and Jimin wouldn't care and would even spoil his baby all day if he just didn't have to meet his parents and little brother for lunch.

He was already running a little late and little kookie was making this even harder by gripping onto Jimin's jacket sleeve as if his life depended on it. Everyone tried to pull him away, enticing the little one with snacks and toys, and his favorite cartoons. Telling him he could even eat some cookies if he let Jimin go, but nothing. Jungkook would only whine and tighten his grip, his fingers turning white.

"Hold it, stop it guys," Jimin said, a sad pout on his face.

He walked Kookie over to the couch and sat him down kneeling in front of him and said, "Kookie, baby, look at me."

Kookie sniffled but looked at him, hands now in Jimin's hands. He didn't understand why his daddy was trying to make him let go of him, he just wanted his daddy to hold him and cuddle him and sing to him. Big Jungkook has been so busy lately and he hasn't been able to be little for weeks and when he's finally able to, Jimin is leaving.

"Daddy," Jungkook whined softly.

Jimin shook his head and released one of his hands from Jungkook's hands bringing his sleeve up to wipe Jungkook's cheeks from the tears on his face.

"Daddy won't be long okay, I'm just meeting some people for lunch," Jimin said keeping his voice soft but clear enough for the little to understand. "I'll be back in two hours okay, only two hours. That's not long now, isn't it?"

Kookie sniffled again but nodded, his daddy was right, but it still felt super long to him. "But, I wanna stay with daddy," Kookie whined again pouting. He looked back down at his hands, clasped in Jimin's hands.

"Look at me baby," Jimin repeated then waited for the younger to lift his head again. He continued, "If you be a good boy and stay here with Jinnie-hyung and the others I'll bring you your favorite Honey Butter Chips and we can stay in bed and watch Anpanman."

Jungkook stared at his daddy seriously, continuing to pout then muttered, "And sing to me as long as I want?"

Jimin smiled softly and said, "Yes, baby I'll sing you whatever song you want, but you gotta be good. Stay here with Jinnie-hyung and the others and the two hours will come and go in no time."

Jungkook nodded once and said, "P'omise?"

Jimin nodded, "I promise baby," he leaned forward to give a light peck of a kiss to Jungkook's forehead then his cheek and his nose. Successfully making the younger giggle from the ticklish feeling.

Jimin stood from his kneeling position and looked to Jin, "He's in your guys' care, call me if something happens. I'll try and be back as soon as I can."

Jin waved his hand smiling fondly, Jimin really was an amazing caregiver to the little. "Don't worry about it, we've got this, he'll be fine. You should get going before you're even later and your parents get upset. Tell them we said hi as well and hope they're doing well, your little brother too."

Jimin nodded bowing his head just slightly in thanks then turned back to Jungkook, "Okay baby, daddy's leaving now. I'll be back soon, be good and listen to Jinnie-hyung and the others."

Baby Jungkook (Jikook Little Space AU)Where stories live. Discover now