Chapter Seven

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I am so sorry I never posted chapter seven here yet. I feel so bad I thought I had. I'm such a shitty author sometimes. But here's chapter seven I hope you enjoy. 


Jimin hadn't paid it any mind at first, everyone sneezes and coughs every once in a while. He just said bless you and went on with his morning getting ready for work as was everyone else. That was until Jungkook walked up to him and grabbed the bottom of his jack with a little whine.

"Daddy...," Jungkook whimpered sniffling. "I no feel good."

Jimin frowned and turned to face the younger and laid the back of his hand on his forehead frowning even more feeling the heat just radiating off the youngers head.

"You're burning up my little bunny," Jimin muttered instantly in caregiver mode. "Jin-hyung!" He yelled out after a second.

Jin popped his head from inside the kitchen into the living room and said, "What's up?"

"Can you grab the thermometer for me? I think Jungkook has a fever, he's burning up," Jimin asked his focus still on his baby who looked close to tears just because he felt sick.

"One second," Jin said and walked back into the kitchen rummaging through the drawers before finding it on top of the fridge.

Jimin ran his fingers through his baby's hair whispering, "It's okay baby Daddy's here."

Jungkook only whined again and slumped against Jimin. His entire body felt achy and cold and hot at the same and his throat felt scratchy and hurt to swallow.

"Here," Jin said as he walked up behind Jimin and handed the younger the thermometer.

Jimin thanked him and put the thermometer underneath Jungkook's tongue and after a moment he pulled it back out and tossed the small thing onto the coffee table.

"Definitely a fever," He muttered sighing lightly. 

"Daddy," Jungkook whined again sniffling, "I hurt."

Jimin ran his fingers through his hair again and said, "Where does it hurt baby, tell daddy?"

Jungkook pointed to his throat while saying, "Everywhere daddy."

"You want some soup Kookie?" Jin asked, "It'll make you feel better."

Jungkook looked at him and then nodded with a tiny smile on his face. He asked, "The... the letter soup?"

Letter soup? Jin thought in confusion.

"Alphabet soup," Jimin said and chuckled lightly, "he can't pronounce 'alphabet' so he calls it letter soup."

"Ah, okay," Jin said chuckling a little as well. "Alright, we have some though right?"

JImin nodded and said, "I'll give him a quick warm bath if you don't mind making it?"

"That's fine," Jin said and started back to the kitchen. "You get him all cuddled up in bed after his bath. I'll let the others know he's sick and shouldn't be bothered. Will you be staying home from work with him?"

Jimin thanked him and said, "Of course, I am, if he were big and sick he'd be okay by himself but not right now."

Jin nodded again as Jimin led Jungkook into the hallway passing Yoongi and Namjoon along the way.

"He looks horrible," Yoongi said once he saw Jungkook's state. 

"Bad fever," Jimin said as Jungkook sniffled again and coughed into Jimin's chest.

Namjoon frowned and patted Jungkook's head softly, "Make sure you listen to your daddy, take medicine to feel better okay?"

Jungkook lifted his head from Jimin's chest sniffling again and only nodding to Namjoon.

Baby Jungkook (Jikook Little Space AU)Where stories live. Discover now