Chapter Nine

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This story idea is from a commenter over on AO3. 

I genuinely feel so bad this has taken forever to come out, after finally posting the next chapter for Amnesia I got to working on this chapter and only after finishing this chapter I went to save the document to my computer, and turns out, I already had a chapter one written I just had completely forgotten about it. But since that old chapter wasn't done yet I decided to go ahead and edit and post this one as chapter nine. This idea from said commenter was that JImin had to travel for whatever reason and little Jungkook was left alone with the hyungs. I ended up tweaking it just a bit, making it baby space rather than the usual little space. 

Still hope you enjoy it!


It was a nice Saturday morning and BTS was relaxing at home when Jimin received a call.

"Mom?" He asked when he answered the phone, "Is everything okay, you don't usually call me without prior notice."

"Jimin dear," his mother's voice was soft and maybe a little depressed.

He was immediately on alert and sat up straight on his spot on the couch removing his arm from around Jungkook's shoulders.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked catching Jungkook's, Jin's, and Namjoon's attention. The others were in their rooms.

"There... was an accident," His mother said pausing for much too long and Jimin was tempted to prompt her to continue.

"Jihyun he was," she began before he could ask her what happened again, "he was hit." His mother sobbed into the phone and it pulled at his heartstrings, his mother rarely cried, well at least in front of him and Jihyun.

Jimin blinked eyes widening and said slowly, "Mom, what do you mean... hit? Is... is he okay?"

It took a while for his mother to calm herself again before she spoke, "He... he'd been coming back from going to the grocery store for me and... and a car came speeding through the red light and... and...," she couldn't continue as another sob forced its way out of her throat.

Jimin didn't know what to say, his little brother was hit by a car. Hit by some idiotic driver who thought it was okay to speed through a red light. The only thing running through his mind now was, is Jihyun dead? He had to force that thought out of his head and then swallow some saliva back down his throat.

He stood up from the couch and said, "I'm on my way." Then ended the call without another word to his mother and without saying anything to the others he walked off to his and Jungkook's room to throw together a quick bag of clothes, his wallet, and his house keys. He still had clothes at his mother's house but still grabbed some anyway.

When he walked back into the living room grabbing his jacket that hung by the front door Jungkook walked up to him.

"What happened?" He asked him.

Jimin had to go, he had to get to Busan as soon as he could and he felt bad for not explaining anything to him. He sighed and said, "I'm sorry no time to explain I need to get to Busan, I'll explain when I can okay? I don't... I'm not sure how long I'll be gone."

Jin and Namjoon joined them in the doorway and Namjoon said, "I'll call Seijin-hyung and tell him you had to go to Busan for a family emergency, he'll understand."

Jimin smiled thankfully at him though the smile didn't reach his eyes, Jihyun's lifeless body flickered into his mind and he forced it away again. He looked to Jungkook and then his mind was filled with Jungkook regressing into little space while he was gone without him here and he looked at Jin.

Baby Jungkook (Jikook Little Space AU)Where stories live. Discover now