Chapter Ten

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sigh... sorry.

I am a shit author, also I don't know if I really like this chapter but here it is anyway, please enjoy. 


"Thanks, Yoongi-hyung for letting Kookie use your studio for nap time," Jimin said. He was sitting on the edge of the couch patting Jungkook's tummy like he usually does to help him sleep.

Jungkook had his pacifier and a small Shooky plush that Yoongi kept in his office in his arms.

"It's fine, I know you didn't expect Jungkook to regress in HQ," Yoongi answered him. "I think we've got several hours until we have some interviews anyway, he'll be fine in here, no one comes here unless I give them permission to."

Jimin nodded and stood up from the couch, "I should have expected it, we've been so busy, for weeks and he hasn't been able to regress once. It was bound to happen, I'm just glad I actually did have his soother in my bag." He sighed to himself.

Yoongi laid a hand on his shoulder, "Relax, we've all been busy and distracted. I'm sure big Jungkook would understand. Let's leave him in here to sleep, I have a camera that only I have access to, you can let me know and I'll give you my phone to check on him whenever you want."

Jimin nodded again thanking him once again and they quickly left the room with Yoongi locking the door behind them.

"Jin-hyung, Tae, and I are going to the store to get some snacks and drinks, do you or Namjoon or Hoseok-hyung want anything?" Jimin asks Yoongi as they head to an elevator.

Yoongi shakes his head and says, "No, but I'll ask the other two and then text you."

Jimin nodded as they both stepped into the elevator, Jimin hitting the first-floor button while Yoongi hit the fourth-floor button.


"Damn it," Yoongi muttered to himself as he sifted through his bag.

It was only about thirty minutes later. He, Namjoon, and Hoseok were now taking a break from working on some choreo and Yoongi decided he'd work on some stuff for a bit. He would just go to his studio but he felt a little too lazy to do that. He thought he had his laptop in his bag but he must have left it in his studio when he was transferring some files over to his PC from the laptop.

"What's up?" Namjoon asked him hearing him as he walked over with two water bottles and handed one to Yoongi.

"I was going to work on a few things in here with my laptop but I left the damn thing in my studio by accident," Yoongi answered him zipping his bag back up.

Namjoon shrugged while opening the water bottle, "Do you want to go and get it or you can always take a quick nap instead or something."

Yoongi shook his head just as the dance studio door opened and their Manager Sejin walked in.

"Oh, Sejin hyung," Yoongi greeted with a small bow.

Sejin nodded in greeting as well, "Taking a break?" He asked.

Namjoon nodded as he gulped down some water.

"Hyung," Yoongi began, "If you're not especially busy at the moment, do you mind running down to my studio and grabbing my laptop for me? I meant to grab it earlier but forgot. It should be on my desk, pin code is the group's debut date. I'd really appreciate it."

Sejin shook his head, "Oh, no not at all. I was just reminding you boys that you do have a concept photo shoot in a couple of hours and we need to get you boys ready. Then after that, it's a few interviews."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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