Chapter Eight

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This one took so long to write I hate that it did. But I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Bangtan was off for the next few days and most of the members were going back to their hometowns, visiting family and friends. Taehyung already left for Daegu and Hoseok left for Gwangju. Namjoon, Jin, and Jimin were still getting ready to leave.

Jimin at first wasn't going to leave but he had promised his younger brother the next time he could he'd come home to see everyone. Jungkook and Yoongi were the only two to stay home during their long weekend. Jimin was a bit worried about Jungkook regressing without him or Jin or Namjoon here, but with Jungkook's reassurance that he was okay, he relented.

Although Jimin did pull Yoongi off to the side out of earshot from Jungkook. "If he regresses please send a text or give me a call to let me know. His sippy cups and bottles are in my nightstand drawer. His pacifiers are usually underneath our pillows and he has to sleep with his blankie and Cooky and his pacifier. He prefers banana milk over anything else when he regresses. Sometimes he has trouble sleeping and wants someone to sing to him, you can just put a recording of me or anyone else singing for him."

Yoongi laid a hand on Jimin's shoulder stopping the man from speaking and squeezed it softly. "Calm down," he said, "relax, he said he'll be alright. Just go home and visit your family. I'll let you know if anything changes but that doesn't mean you run home if it does change."

The older wasn't good with children let alone Jungkook who regresses into a child mindset but he wasn't going to tell Jimin that and worry him further. It amazed him how much JImin was almost always in caregiver mode to Jungkook even if the younger wasn't in his headspace. Jimin was ready at any time if Jungkook slipped into his headspace unannounced. 

Jimin nodded and turned back to Jungkook allowing the younger to pull him into his arms and kiss him. The older smiled into the kiss kissing back softly and wrapped his arms around his neck running his fingers through his hair.

"See you in a few days hyung, have fun," Jungkook says as he pulls away and waves both Jin and Jimin out the door.

"Wanna play some video games or something hyung?" Jungkook asks once the other two were gone and the door was shut.

Yoongi turned to him about to head back to his room and thought about it. It has been a while since he's played any type of video game and obviously, Jungkook was already trying to do something so he wasn't just sitting and doing nothing.

The younger was always active, no matter what, even if he wasn't working. He had to do something to alleviate any incoming boredom. He'd work out, play video games, and practice their choreo for no reason. Jungkook would practice taekwondo. And if he was in little space he was running around playing monsters or tag or hide and seek with Taehyung and Hoseok.

"Sure," Yoongi answered him.

Jungkook smiled grabbed the Xbox controllers and handed one to Yoongi.

"What game do you suggest we play?" Jungkook asked kneeling by the games in the entertainment center, underneath their TV. 

Yoongi shrugged and said, "I'm not picky, whatever game you want is fine by me."

Jungkook nodded and grabbed one at random and put it inside the console. And that's how half their day went until Jungkook's stomach growled loudly.

"Wanna order in?" Yoongi suggest and laid the controller down on the coffee table to grab his phone from his pocket.

"Fried chicken?" Jungkook asked. He was in the mood for something fried.

Yoongi nodded while saying, "Sure, sounds good." He called their favorite fried chicken place, ordered the chicken and some other sides as well as some drinks before hanging up.

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