Chapter One

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Baby Jungkook a Jikook Little Space AU

Originally this fic was going to be the next fic I would be working on straight after finishing, "Jealousy," but I had remembered this fic that had been on my mind for quite some time. The "Let's Grow Together," fic, my landscaper AU and have sense been writing that our and posting chapters. I am in the process of writing chapter four right now. If you haven't checked either of those fics out, please check them out and follow, comment, and vote. 

Please enjoy!

Third POV:

Bangtan was having an extremely stressful day, from six AM to ten AM they had choreography practice and from 10:30 AM to 12 PM they had vocal practice. Then from 1:30 PM to four PM they had a photoshoot with Fila and from 4:20 to six PM, they were back at choreography practice until their choreographer decided their dancing was perfect

By the time their choreographer said they can stop and catch their breath and head home, they were completely and utterly exhausted. Jin leaned heavily against the mirror in the dance studio and Namjoon flopped down on to a chair with a water bottle in hand. 

Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi had taken to just falling to the floor, breathing loud and heavy as they struggled to get a hold of their harsh breathing pattern. 

Their choreographer has been considered the hardest choreography to learn. They had always wondered why their choreographer always had them learn this choreography that always ended up exhausting them after every performance. 

All of Bangtan just wanted to go home, take a hot shower, and sleep, well except for Jungkook. He just wanted to shower and lock himself up in his room with his stuffed bunny, Cooky. The line character big Jungkook had created. 

He also wanted his royal blue pacifier and his baby blue blankie and to curl up in bed with his daddy, Jimin. 

Jungkook just wanted to be little and hold Cooky close to him while his daddy held him close to him. BUt he could be little right now, he had to force himself to stay big, at least until he's at their apartment. Hidden away in Jimin's room with the older. 

"Alright, boys!" A voice was heard from the dance studio doorway. 

They all looked over to see their manager, Sejin. Jin moved from against the wall and grabbed a water bottle as well. Sejin told them to get ready he's taking them home. 

They were way too exhausted to drive themselves home, well at least the ones who could drive and had their licenses. Bangtan forced themselves to stand up and walk over to Sejin and Jin at the door. 

Once in the black van and buckled up Sejin drove off onto the Seoul streets. Jin in the passenger seat slipping in and out of consciousness. Hoseok, Namjoon, and Taehyung were in the three seats right behind the front seats. 

Namjoon kept himself awake by busying himself with his phone, scrolling through Twitter and Weverse. 

Jungkook, Jimin, and Yoongi were in the last three seats behind Hoseok, Taehyung, and Namjoon. 

Jimin had an arm around Jungkook's shoulders as he let the younger lean against him, his hair mattered to his forehead from sweat after the dance practice. 

Jungkook had fallen asleep with his head against Jimin's shoulder. Yoongi had also fallen asleep with his head leaning against the window 

"Namjoon-hyung? What time is it?" Jimin whispered to the older and the one, besides Sejin, who is still awake. 

Namjoon flicked his eyes to the top of his phone screen before answering Jimin, "It's 11:30 Jiminie-ah."

"It's that late?" He whispered, and Namjoon sighed but nodded. The van fell into silence for the rest of the ride back. 

Baby Jungkook (Jikook Little Space AU)Where stories live. Discover now