Chapter Two

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Third POV:

Lunch was a simple rice noodle dish with shrimp, pork, and onions with some green tea for a drink. Yoongi had come out of his room for lunch as the others were starting to clean up the place. 

It was three in the afternoon so that meant that Jimin had to go and wake Jungkook up from his nap. Jimin was going to ask Jin to wake him up so he could finish wiping down the coffee table and TV stand but the older was washing dishes. 

The next member he was going to ask was Namjoon, but he had received a call during lunch from Manager Sejin to come to the studio. Something was wrong with a recorded track of his and he needed to come in and look at it. 

It wasn't that he didn't trust the other members, it's just Jin and Namjoon would have been the calmest ones to wake him up. Hoseok and Taheyung would probably squeal loudly waking the poor little up tooHe po fast, scaring him. 

Yoongi hid away in his room again after lunch so Jimin just scratched him off his list quickly. He sighed to himself and laid his rag and surface cleaner down onto the coffee table. 

He popped his head into the kitchen doorway spotting Jin wiping down the counter, the dishes washed and drying inJin  the dish-strainer. 

"It's time to wake Jungkook up hyung, so you don't mind making a small bowl of noodles, nothing in it. Little Kookies doesn't like shrimp or onions," Jimin spoke and Jin looked up smiling softly. 

Jin spoke as he laid his surface cleaner down on the counter, laying the rag over the squirting part of the bottle to wash his hands. "It's no problem Jimin-ah, go and wake him up, he should be okay without Hoseok or Taehyung crowding him. They're cleaning up their rooms."

Jimin thanked him then jogged slightly over to his and Jungkook's room only to find the little having already woken up rubbing his right eye cutely with a fist. Jimin gushed at the little's cuteness before stepping into the room catching the younger attention. 

"Daddy," He whispered and made grabby hands toward the male while yawning. 

"Hi my little sleepy little bunny," Jimin giggled out walking over as he spoke, "how was your nap baby? Good?"

Jungkook nodded as Jimin sat on the bed pulling the little into his arms and on his lap grabbing Cooky to make sure Jungkook has his favorite plushy. 

Jungkook giggled softly as Cooky was placed in his hold and Jimin made his voice a tad bit higher as he made Cooky 'talk' to Jungkook. 

"Hello Kookie, you're the bestest little in the whole wide world," Jimin said and Kookie laughed, his eyes crinkling slightly and bunny-like-teeth on full display. 

"Daddy! Cooky tawked'ed to me," Kookie squealed to Jimin who nodded in fake surprise but Jungkook didn't know the difference and only giggled back before being placed onto his feet. 

Jimin stood up as well and grabbed the pacifier that was laying on the bed next to Kookie's blankie. 

"Alright, come on little one, Jinnie is making you some noodles," Jimin spoke and Kookie giggled at the mention of food and grabbed Jimin's hand, Cooky clutched in his other hand by the arm. 

Jimin walked out to the kitchen, Kookie in tow. He sat him down on the kitchen chair once they arrived. 

"Hi Kookie and Cooky, how was your nap little one," Jin spoke his voice soft as he set a bowl of noodles in front of Jungkook. 

"It was good Jinnie!" Jungkook giggled out and Jimin sat down to help Jungkook eat his noodles but Jin stopped him. 

Jimin looked up at Jin spoke, "Don't worry about it, I'll help him eat. I know you're still cleaning the living room, I'm done here."

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