Chapter Three

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Third POV

Jin's alarm went off at 7:30 in the morning and he growled to himself, swinging his arm over to shut it off. Once the offending noise was off Jin yawned and turned back over only to hit a body in his bed. He was confused at first before looking at the body and seeing Jungkook spread out a little bit on his back. 

Be blinked in confusion before remembering yesterday's events. Jin tapped Jungkook trying to get him awake, but of course, big Jungkook was a heavy ass sleeper. He sighed and sat up and using his full body to kick Jungkook off the bed watching him yelp falling flat on his face. 

"What the hell?" Jungkook groaned before moving to all fours and standing up on two feet. 

He looked over to the bed expecting to see Jimin but was just as equally confused as Jin before his memories slowly made their way into his brain. Right, he had been in little space. Jimin and Namjoon had to go to the company building last night and would not have gotten home until after his bedtime when he's in his headspace. Jin had ended up having to put him to sleep. 

Jungkook yawned before sitting back on Jin's bed running his fingers through his hair and saying, "Sorry for being an asshole last night hyung."

Jin waved him off and said, "Jungkook-ah, you had the mindset of a child it's fine. Don't worry about it."

He shooed the younger off to get ready for work and quickly changed into a t-shirt, jeans, and a hoody. 

Just as everyone was finishing up getting ready Sejin called Namjoon to let him know he was outside of the building, ready to pick them up. Bangtan walked down to the elevator before stepping on. 

They exited the building and quickly decided who was going to sit where. As always Jin was in the passenger seat, Elder Privileges, he states. Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok sat in the middle seats while the maknae's sat in the far back seats. 

Jungkook laid against Jimin's side and the older wrapped an arm around the younger's shoulders. Taehyung had fallen back to sleep with his head lying against the window. Jimin giggled as Jungkook kissed his neck lightly before reaching up to peck the olders lips. 

The oldest maknae loved little Jungkook but he loved big Jungkook just as much. He loved to hold and cuddle the man, to playfully fight and play video games. He really loved to kiss and make love to him, to make sure he felt pleasure and happiness being with Park Jimin. 

Jungkook pecked his lips again before muttering out, "I love you Dangshin."

Jimin giggled at the endearing word and kissed the younger back before hearing Yoongi tell them to stop doing disgusting relationship stuff. Jungkook and Jimin both laughed at the older but decided to stop so they don't have to hear the playful gagging noises from the second oldest. 

Once they arrived at the BigHit building, the vocalists were taken to the studio for vocal practice. Jimin was going to ask to sit out of this practice but realized that if he needed an extra practice session last night, then he better continue practicing now too. 

The rappers were taken to Yoongi's studio to over and edit some tracks. Sure, Yoongi was a bit upset they hadn't like what he made but he did understand that they needed the opinions of everyone for their songs. 

Dance practice was next but Jimin just couldn't focus on the choreography. The thought of his voice being horrible still floating around in his mind and he misstepped in the Boy With LUV choreography and knocked into Taehyung by accident. 

"S-sorry Tae-ah," He said but Taehyung waved off. It was just a small mistake, not a big deal. 

Although their choreographer thought it was and yelled at Jimin, "Jimin-ah! Come on, you've done this move plenty of times already with no problem, get your head out of the clouds and focus!"

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