Chapter Four

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A small warning, just for some smut in the beginning. Nothing hardcore, it's kind of a mix of fluff and smut put together. Hope you enjoy it!

Originally this chapter was going to be completely different than it is now. No smut was going to be added at all, to be honest though, I wasn't sure if I was even going to add a sex scene in this fic but decided to rewrite the chapter in one sitting. 

Third POV

The next morning Namjoon was awake first, as always, then Jungkook was next but instead of getting up to get ready for work he just stayed in bed cuddling closer to a sleeping Jimin. He started at his sleeping face, his perfect eyebrows, cute button nose, and full, luscious lips. He loved those lips, loved when they brought out a wide beautiful smile and those pearly whites. Jungkook loved when he kissed those lips, they always seemed to fit perfectly against his own. JImin's lips were always soft, thanks to the chap-stick he wore daily. 

Jungkook bit his lip and scorched closer to just kiss him softly then moved up to kiss his nose then his cheek, then his forehead. He stared at the mn and thought, how can a man be this ethereal and beautiful? He couldn't help himself and began peppering Jimin's face with light kisses before going back and kissing Jimin's lips again. He froze when he heard a giggle and backed up a bit just to stare into Jimin's open eyes, a beautiful chocolate brown. 

"Are you having fun, Kook?" Jimin giggled again laying his hand softly on Jungkook's cheek rubbing his thumb on the cheekbone. 

Jungkook blushed and dived down into Jimin's neck hiding his face from embarrassment. Jimin continued to laugh lightly and started running his fingers through the younger's hair.

"That was a very nice way to wake up, how about we continue," Jimin spoke after he stopped laughing and Jungkook lifted his head before sitting up a bit to lean on an elbow.

He stared at the older before Jimin wrapped both his arms around the younger neck and pulled him down for another kiss, this one filled with passion and maybe a bit of lust in there. It's not his fault it's been almost a week since they've had sex, he blames their schedules for it.

Jungkook smiled into the kiss before kissing him back with just as much passion and shifted in the bed to push the blanket off them both. Climbing onto Jimin and straddling him as he sat up to continue kissing him, moving his hands from around the younger neck to wrap around his waist. Gripping tighter than he probably should have.

The younger singer wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck and leaned down a bit to deepen the kiss but was interrupted by his shirt being pulled over his head.

 "What time is it?" Jimin asked diving down to litter light kisses around Jungkook's chest. He was just worried about not having time to actually fuck Jungkook before they actually had to get ready for work.

Jungkook bit his lip at the light feeling around his nipples before reaching over and grabbing a random phone on the nightstand. He recognized it as Jimin's and turned it on, it was 7:16 AM. They woke up before their alarm, 8 AM.

"We have time Hyung, it's 7:16," Jungkook whispered and Jimin smirked against the younger skin before nibbling lightly on a nipple.

Jungkook gasped softly, he wasn't prepared for Jimin to suddenly bite his nipple like that. Jimin giggled at his reaction before wrapping an arm tightly around the younger's waist again and flipping them over. The younger gasped at the sudden switch in positions but smiled nonetheless at being able to stare up at Jimin. The older went back down to kiss the younger deeply pushing his tongue through to explore his mouth.

Jungkook moaned lightly as he started unbuttoning Jimin's pajama top. Jimin had his right hand on the mattress holding him up and the other hand reaching down to rub over Jungkook's growing erection through his boxers. The younger gasped separating from the kiss to breathe but moans as Jimin continued to palm him.

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