Seattle Rescue

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[Scene change: Seattle, night.]

[The screen opens to reveal a city while the caption reads "SEATTLE". The camera moves through the streets of the city. The scene then changes to an old woman pushing a shopping cart with her pet dog in it. She looks down for a second to her dog before noticing a high speed chase with a stolen truck being chased by the Seattle Police Department. The camera turns to the back of the stolen truck to reveal the bank robbers who have hijacked it.]

Bank Robber: They're still on us!

[His fellow bank robber throws him a stick of dynamite which he taps the top of to ignite it.]

Bank Robber: This'll slow them down!

[The bank robber throws the dynamite at one of the police cars who drive around the explosion that occurs when the dynamite stick touches the ground, causing the police car to hit a group of trash cans. The cars proceed to drive past one building from where Sonic and Y/N are watching the ordeal.] 

Y/N: (Sigh) Do we have to do this? We should leave this to the cops.

Sonic: Oh, come on! Where's the fun in that? It's our calling as heroes!

Y/N: (Grumbles) Alright, hit the music.

[Sonic begins stretching along with Y/N. He did his jumps with blue electric beneath his shoes while he did the squats. He cracks his fingers and he cracks her neck. He air punches and he does karate moves. Sonic eats his chili dog while Y/N pops out bubblegum he chewed on. Finally they leap off the building and zoom after the speeding cars.]

Sonic: [Makes airplane noises] Watch out! 'Cuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!

Y/N: Pardon us!

[Sonic speeds up to the side window of the truck and kicks the drives while holding to the railing on the roof of the truck.]

Sonic: Good evening, gentlemen. Mind if I drive?

[Sonic kick at the driver makes the door on his side open up with him clinging onto it. Y/N noticed it and goes around and tossed the robber away to the sidewalk as he lands in the trash. Y/N sped back to behind the truck.

Sonic: You better buckle up!

[Sonic makes a right turn, causing the bank robbers in the back to collide into one another from the movement. The sudden turn caused the robbers to drop the flare. Y/N sees it, catches it, and tosses it into the air as high as he could. It then explodes like fireworks.]

"How are we doing back there?" Sonic asked, making a turn again.

"Doing good! No one got hurt!" Y/N replied.

Y/N laughed at the sight to the robbers getting hit side to side everytime Sonic makes a wide turn from behind the truck.

Sonic: And now this way!

[ Sonic proceeds to make another turn, making the bank robbers hit the other wall while all the money they stole flies out of the truck. Sonic laughs as the chase continues. Y/N notices the hostage tied up in the truck.]

Sonic: Woo-hoo!

[The Armored Truck Security Guard in the back of the truck looks and pleads to Sonic, mumbling due to his mouth being covered with duct tape.]

Sonic: Oh, I'm sorry, I don't speak duct tape.

[Sonic peels off the duct tape, allowing the Armored Truck Security Guard to speak.]

Armored Truck Security Guard: What the heck are you?!

Y/N: (Looks ahead and his eyes widened.) Uh, Sonic?

Sonic the Hedgehod 2 (2022) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now