Snow Chase

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[Scene change: Mountains, day]

[Sonic and Y/N are being carried by Tails as they fly across the sky over the Himalayas.]

Sonic: Hoo-hoo! Today's forecast calls for clear, sunny skies and a one-hundred percent chance of adventure.

Y/N: Woo, that is one big mountain!

Tails: I pinpointed the coordinates. It's right up ahead.

[Sonic, Y/N, and Tails spot one particular mountain and they land at the entrance.]

Sonic: Wow. Hey, Tails. Wait up.

[Sonic, Y/N, and Tails start to walk forward as they look up to an entrance in the shape of a giant owl warrior.]

Y/N: Whoa!

Sonic: Okay, we got a giant owl door. Seems encouraging.

[Sonic, Y/N,  and Tails push the door open and walk in. Eventually, they see a wall of cave carvings]

Tails: Whoa. Ohh, check this out.

Y/N: Can you translate that?

Tails: Uh, yeah.

[A flashback occurs as it shows the cave paintings come alive with seven echidnas each holding one of the seven Chaos Emeralds.]

Tails: Ages ago, a fearsome group of warriors, known as the echidnas, forged the seven Chaos Emeralds into the most unstoppable weapon ever created.

[The seven Chaos Emeralds circle very swiftly before fusing into the Master Emerald.]

Sonic: The Master Emerald.

[A single echidna is shown standing on top of a cliff facing off an entire army of monsters. Green energy forms on him as he holds the Master Emerald.]

Tails: With it, a single warrior could defeat entire armies.

[The echidna roar as a green wave wipes out the entire army. The sky lights up as the owls swoop down from a hole in the clouds.]

Tails: Believing no one should have such power, an order of heroes recovered the Emerald and swore to protect it from evil.

[The echidnas and owls fight one another until the owls take the Master Emerald and fly away with the echidnas watching them. The flashback ends.]

Tails: Sounds like the owls and the echidnas have been fighting each other for centuries.

(Sonic sees Y/N and Tails walking ahead of him.)

Sonic: Whoa! Wait for me!"

Heading deeper into the temple, Sonic, Y/N, and Tails find a giant owl statue. They were speechless at the sight of it.

Sonic: Okay, giant owl door, giant owl. Makes sense."

Y/N We know."

Sonic and Y/N approaches to the statue, walking upstairs. There they noticed on the bottom of the statue are inscribed slots.

Sonie: "Wait a second! I've seen these symbols before."

Sonic pulls out Longclaw's map and sees the exact same symbol and notices the difference. Y/N gestures her brother to do the honors.

Sonic: "Here we go."

Sonic aligns the symbols like those on the map. This triggers a mystical mechanism as its eyes glows the same green emerald.

Sonic the Hedgehod 2 (2022) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now