Home Alone

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[Scene change: Green Hills, morning.]

[The camera shows a sunrise over a mountain range with "Stars in the Sky" playing in the background. The scene then changes to Sonic and Y/N racing across a large bridge. The camera then shows a large sign reading "Welcome to Green Hills. the little city with big heart. pop: 1981, elev. 3445 ft" as it then shows Wade in a police car holding a speed watch as Sonic and Y/N zooms past.]

Sonic/Y/N: Morning, Wade!

Wade: Morning, Sonic and Y/N!

[The brothers zooms past Wade and race up a mountain and stop at a small rocky ledge overlooking Green Hills.]

Sonic/Y/N: Good morning, Green Hills!

[The brothers race down the mountain and runs toward the Wachowski house and races up the roof and stop. Y/N drops down and heads to his room silently.]

[While Sonic looks through the window before slowly entering his room, back-flipping in the process. The impact almost tips a bowling pin off a table, but sonic grabs it before it hits the ground. Sonic then slowly puts it on the floor, not making any noise, and tip-toes to his bed. Each step he takes makes an inconvenient squeaky floor board sound, making him stop.]

Sonic: [Groans] Come on!

Y/N: Shhhh!

[Sonic grabs something off the bottom of his shoe and sees that it is a few dirty banknotes. He realizes that if his new parents find out, he'd be busted.]

Sonic: Uh oh. Uhh... 

He looks around nervously and gestures Y/N to keep it quiet. In response, he gives him a roll of her eyes. Ignoring that behavior, he opens the drawer with the sign "Keep Out". He places it inside and sees something and pulls it out before closing the drawer. He unfolds it to reveal the map of the world, but something falls off. Sonic picks it up to see Longclaw's feather. Y/N frowns, remembering her. Sonic feels just the same as him as he stares at the feather.

Sonic then has a flashback as he remembers when he and Y/N were little and giving a flower to her.]

Longclaw: [Echo] Oh... Sonic...Y/N.

[The flashback ends]

Sonic: "We miss you, Longclaw. We're trying to make you proud."

Sonic smiles sadly and places the feather back into the map and folds it. He then grabs the bag full of rings and places the map inside before closing it up and placing it on his desk. Sonic goes up to his bed and grabs the blanket and covers himself, lying down.

Sonic: "And now, for a little shut eye." he yawned.

Sonic and Y/N begin to sleep after a long night. Just as things were going well, Ozzy comes up to Sonic and licks his face.

Sonic: "Uh! Ugh! Ozzy! Morning breath!"

He covers his face with the blanket to try and get some sleep. Ozzy comes up to Y/N and licks his face too.

Y/N: "Eww!! Come on! You know that doesn't wash off!"

He swats him away, giving him a pat on the head. Maddie comes up to them from the stairs with a laundry basket.

Maddie: "Sonic! Y/N! You two still in bed? You're supposed to meet Tom, remember?"

Ozzy goes back to Sonic and pulls the blanket off of him. This causes him to fall off of his bed, landing on his face. Y/N groans, forgetting that. He gets up and stretches.

Sonic: "Alright, alright, I'm up! I'm up..."

Y/N: "We got it..."

[Scene change: Lake, Montana, day.]

Sonic the Hedgehod 2 (2022) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now