New Enemy, Old Friend

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Scene change: Wachowski house, night.]

[Sonic and Y/N are floating in the outdoor pool using a flamingo and crocodile floaties before the blue brother hears a vibrating sound. He reaches down to reveal his phone showing Tom calling]

Sonic: Uh oh. Eoohh boy...

Y/N: Clean up in 3, 2, 1!

[Sonic turns the lights back on and both brothers proceed to clean up everything in the house, before laying on the couch. Y/N holds out a manga to make it look like he's reading while Sonic lies down casually and clears his throat before answering his phone. Tom's face is on video as he greets them.]

Tom: "Aloha! Ha ha! How's it going, buds?"

Sonic: "Oh, you know. Just a quiet night at home, settling in with a good book, bro reading her manga and making music."

He shows Tom for him to see Y/N as he waves at him with a smile.

Y/N: "Hey, there!"

Sonic: "And you? What's up with you?"

Tom: "Oh, I just called to say we're here but now every word and everyone else is making me suspicious."

"Suspicious? How suspicious?" Y/N questioned in confusion.

Sonic: "What? You gotta relax, buddy. You're at the four seasons Oahu. Have a my time and your summer time with your wife. Get sunburn somewhere embarrassing. This weekend is about you."

Ton: "You know what? You're right. We power bumped on it and whatever it is you two are doing, I'm sure you can undo it by the time we get home, yeah?"

Sonic looks nervous and assures him.

Sonic: "Exactly! I mean, I am deeply offended by such accusations."

Y/N rolls his eyes at how smooth his brother spoke. Hr comes into view for him to see Tom.

Y/N: "So how's Rachel's fiance? Is he good looking as he is in pictures?"

Tom looks unsure as he looks over to see Randall kissing Rachel.

Tom: "Uhhh, somehow better looking."

Sonic: "Wow! You're about to be the third best looking dude in the family, but hey, still on the podium."

Tom: "Ha ha ha. Alright. I better go introduce myself. Stay out of trouble."

Tom gives them a stern look.

Sonic: "Trouble? No worry. Everything here is completely normal."

That was an understatement as Ozzy walks past the hedgehog siblings with bubbles covering his fur. Tom looks unconvinced.

Tom: "Uh-huh. Night, buds."

Tom ends the call.

[Tom hangs up and walks up to Randall, who walks up to him.]

Tom: Hey! I was just coming over to say hi.

Randall: [Annoyed] You got a lot of nerve coming up in here after what you did to my fiancé!

Tom: W-wait, what?

Randall: Totaling her car, leaving her tied to a chair, man? I should rip you limb from limb.

[Tom stands there speechless, but Randall then starts to laugh.]

Randall: Oh my god! Look at your face! Tommy, breathe, baby! Hey! I was kidding!

Sonic the Hedgehod 2 (2022) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now