Temple of Master Emerald

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[Scene change: Labyrinth, day.]

[Robotnik, Sonya, and Knuckles, led and trailed by several of Robotnik's drones, are running through the Labyrinth. Arrows fly out of the wall, but miss them. A wall of spears blocks the path ahead, causing the leading drones to crash. Robotnik, Sonya, and Knuckles turn down a side path, then jump down, but are forced to split apart as a large spiked ball swings between them, crushing the trailing drones. The spiked ball then rolls after them, forcing them to run.]

Robotnik: I don't want to die like this! It's derivative!

[Up ahead, a heavy stone door is sliding shut.]

Robotnik: Make room for daddy!

[Knuckles and Sonya catch the door and hold it in place long enough for Robotnik to slide under it. The siblings dive from under the door just as the ball smashes into it. Robotnik counts their legs.]

Robotnik: Two and two, three, three. Great! We're still bipedals, more or less.

[Robotnik, Sonya, and Knuckles stand up, looking around for a moment.]

Robotnik: Fire in the hole!

[Robotnik, Sonya, and Knuckles duck in time to avoid a flame throwing trap.]

Robotnik: I've solved it. There is a booby trap every seven seconds...

[A swinging blade trap just barely misses Robotnik's mustache, slamming into the wall.']]

Robotnik: That was a little early. So glad it didn't cut off my mustache. Hey, Little Red Wrecking Balls. I know you're dying to get your Emerald on, but can we be a little bit more mindful of our surroundings? 

Sonya: How?

Robotnik: May I?

Robotnik's control glove: In 30 feet, turn left.

Robotnik: Work smarter, not harder.

[The camera moves to the beginning of the Labyrinth, which Sonic and Y/N is entering.]

Sonic: Argh... my pelvis. Okay, secret temple, let's see what you've got.

Y/N: Wait, maybe we shou-

[Sonic starts running through the Labyrinth, barely avoiding traps along the way.]

Sonic: No, no, no! No! No. Yes!

Y/N: (Sighs and follows after his brother.)

[Scene change: Labyrinth, day.]

[Knuckles punches through a stone doorway, allowing him, Sonya, and Robotnik to enter.]

Robotnik's control glove: You have arrived at your destination.

Robotnik: Wow. That really opened up the space. I can't even picture it with an impenetrable wall now. And the rubble is always a nice touch.

Sonya: (Confused) Okaaaay?

[Robotnik, Sonya, and Knuckles look to see a stairway leading up to the Master Emerald, which is being held up by a stream of green light stretching into the sky.]

Knuckles: At last. 

Sonya: The Master Emerald.

Robotnik: Ultimate power.

Knuckles: Soon, order will be restored. All because of what we have done together.

Sonya: Thank you, Robotnik, we owe you one.

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