Final Battle

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[Scene change: Mean Bean Coffee Café, day.]

[Stone is handcuffed to a chair and is being interrogated by Wade, who is holding a butter knife.]

Wade: I'm done playing games, pal. You're gonna tell me what I want to know. And I am asking you... for the last time...

[Wade holds up a plate with a display bagel on it.]

Wade: What would you like on your bagel?

Stone: I'm not telling you anything, and that is a display bagel.

Wade: I don't get it with you! I mean, I've tried everything. I was good cop. I was bad cop. I was cop who offers you a bagel. And nothing. It's like...

[Wade tries to bite down on the fake bagel.]

Wade: That is a display bagel. Wow.

[Suddenly, all the lights in the café glow green as Robotnik appears, levitating next to them with green electricity coming out of him.]

Stone: Doctor, you're here.

Robotnik: Yes, I'm here, and yet I'm... Not all there.

Stone: Sir, are you feeling okay?

Robotnik: I'm more than okay. I'm upgraded. [Creates music buttons in midair] Sinister 3.0. My game is next level.

[Robotnik teleports behind Stone, startling him. ]

Robotnik: Hi. I can smell the electricity in your brain. [To Wade] You smell like a snack plate.

Wade: [Nods] Yeah, no, that's fair. I had a couple today.

[Robotnik teleports behind him and takes the display bagel.]

Robotnik: Sit down. [Wade lowers a little] In the chair.

[The handcuffs telekinetically unlock, allowing Stone to stand up. Wade takes his place and sits on the chair.]

Wade: I didn't know. 'Cause he, 'cause he was in the chair, so I didn't. Okay.

[Robotnik eats the display bagel.]

Stone: Sir, we have a problem.

[Stone presses a button to fold the blinds back to reveal that the Mean Bean Coffee Café has been surrounded by tanks and G.U.N agents with loaded weapons.]

G.U.N agent: All teams in position!

G.U.N agent: Set up a perimeter! Move! Move! Move!

Robotnik: Incorrectus, my trusty barnacle. After all these years, what I finally got... Is a solution.

[A helicopter lands a few yards away. Walters, Maddie, and Tom come out of the helicopter, with one of the agents escorting them to the Mean Bean Coffee Café.]

G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Commander.

Walters: Status report.

G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Robotnik is in there with Stone and a hostage. Possibly local PD. And I'm not saying he's dumb, but if he is local PD, this town's in a lot of trouble.

Tom and Maddie: Wade.

[The doors of the Mean Bean Coffee Café open with steam coming out. Robotnik comes out, levitating up to everyone with green electricity emerging from him.]

Maddie: Umm... Okay.

Tom: Rockin' that new spring collection, I see.

Robotnik: Well, if it isn't... the Pastry King.

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