Dance Fight

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[Scene change: Hawaii, day.]

[A volleyball rises into the air in slow motion. Randall jumps into the air and hits it. The volleyball flies into Tom's chest and knocking him down. The last few seconds are repeated at normal speed, as the scene shifts to reveal a volleyball field with Tom's team playing against Randall's team. Randall high-fives one of his teammates.]

Tom: [Gets back up] Good one. Solid.

[Randall is shown hitting the volleyball again. The volley ball is then shown hitting Tom, knocking him down again. The volleyball is shown hitting Tom on the head, knocking him down again. The volleyball is then shown hitting Tom again, knocking him down again. The volleyball is then shown bouncing off the ground, with Tom falling as he attempts to catch it. The volleyball is then shown hitting Tom in the face, knocking him down once more. Tom looks at his team.]

Tom: Sorry, fellas.

Randall: That's game! Ha, that's how we do! That's how we do!

Tom: [lies on the ground] But are they good at math?

[Tom's teammates respond with awkward looks.]

Randall: Teamwork makes the dream work!

[Randall walks over to Tom and helps him up.]

Randall: Sorry about that, Big Tom. Are you good?

Tom: All good. Fine.

[Tom and Randall begin walking away from the volleyball field.]

Tom: Hey. Thanks for inviting me out to hang with you and your groomsmen. Good quality bonding.

Randall: Yeah, you know, bro? Those guys right there, they're way more than my groomsmen.

[A shot of Randall's teammates doing exercises is shown.]

Randall: That's my squad.

[The camera returns to Tom and Randall.]

Randall: Never would've made it through life without 'em.

[A shot of Randall's teammates is shown.]

Drench: Get over here!

[The camera returns to Tom and Randall.]

Randall: Yeah, I'm coming! I'm coming! [Raises a fist at Tom] I'll catch you later.

Tom: [Power-bumps with Randall] Oh, hey. Yeah!

Randall: Let me know if you're ready for some power yoga.

Tom: You bet.

Randall: [Poses] Come on, Tommy boy. Let's go. Let's go.

Tom: [Poses and laughs] Don't make me.

[Tom points at Randall and laughs as Randall turns around and walks away.]

Tom: What am I doing?

Jojo: Hey, uncle Tommy!

[The camera shifts to show Maddie and Jojo coming in from the left. Tom turns to them.]

Tom: Oh. Hey, girls! How are you do-- Are those the wedding rings?

Maddie: Uh-huh.

Tom: May I?

[Jojo hands the wedding ring velvet pillow over to Tom. Tom takes a look at it.]

Maddie: This little ring bearer has been taking her job very seriously. She's been practicing all morning.

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