Hero Too

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[Scene change: Green Hills baseball field, day.]

[We see everyone playing baseball. Sonic is seen as the announcer, Tails is the pitcher, knuckles is the batter, Y/N is at second base, Sonya at third base, and Tom and Maddie are the field catchers]

Sonic: It's truly a beautiful day for baseball here in Green Hills. An exciting lineup today with the debut appearance of two new players! On the mound, rookie sensation from across the galaxy: Miles "Tails" Prower! At second base we have my future sister-in-law: Sonya the Echidna. Facing off against the powerhouse: Knuckles the Echidna.

Knuckles: I don't understand. Why am I angry at the enemy ball?

Sonic: You're not angry. You just want to hit it as hard as you can and then run around the bases.

Knuckles: But if my quest ends where I am standing, why run at all?

Sonic: I can't with this guy. Why do I even try?

Maddie: This is just a game. We're out here having fun.

Tom: Just having some fun.

Knuckles: Fun. Huh.

Y/N: Can we hurry, I have a concert in a few hours!

[Sonic zooms behind Knuckles, now acting as the plate catcher.]

Sonic: All right! Give him the heat, Tails!

Tails: Hope you're ready for my fastball.

Knuckles: Your fastball will be dishonored, and so will you, fox.

Maddie: Easy, guys!

Tom: Hey, don't think about it too much. Just keep your elbow up, eye on the ball and give it a ride.

Knuckles: A ride, to where? (Looks at Sonya.)

Sonya: (Shrugs)

[Tails proceeds to wind up his arm, toss the ball into the air and grab it with his twin-tails. He then proceeds to use his twin-tails to toss the ball right at Knuckles.]

Knuckles: Power bump!

[knuckles uses his fist and punches the ball straight over Tails' head and through the score board.]

Knuckles: Ha! Victory is mine!

Tails: Hey, no fair! That shouldn't count.

Knuckles: First base is also mine!

Tom: I think that was our only ball.

Knuckles: I have conquered the second of the bases, in your face sister!

Sonya: (Frowns, but than starts smiles.)

Maddie: [Calls] Who wants ice cream?

Tom: Knocked the cover off that.

Sonic: Ice cream!

Tails: Ice cream, yeah!

Y/N: Hmmmm, yeah okay!!

Knuckles: I am having the fun! 

Sonya: What is ice cream?

Sonic: It's a dessert. If you like fun, you're gonna love it.

Knuckles: Oh, yum. Dessert. Does it have grapes in it?

Sonic: No, not usually.

Tom: I'm proud of those little buds."

Maddie: I really like their new friends, especially the red one. He cracks me up."

Tom: He can swing too."

Sonic the Hedgehod 2 (2022) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now