Secrets of the Master Emerald

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Tails make a fast turn, causing Sonic and Y/N to fall to the side and hang on tight. Y/N looks through the back window and sees Knuckles and Sonya catching up and chases them in speed.

Y/N: Where did they get this power?!

Tails begins to introduce himself in his fanboy mood.

Tails: "Wow! Okay! Let me just say it is an honor to finally meet you, Sonic and Y/N. Is it okay if I call you Sonic and Y/N? Everyone calls me Tails. You're probably wondering why."

Y/N/Sonic: "Let us guess. Because of the extra tail?" 

Tails lit up with joy.

Tails: "That's right! I should've known you two get that."

Sonic: "Cool. Also, what is going on?!" (Sonic looked now all panicked.) "Robotnik's back? And who are red tomato twins?!

Y/N: Their names are Knuckles and Sonya the echidnas, I know because I met Sonya once.

Tails: He's right. But they're the last of the echidnas and the most dangerous warriors in the galaxy. They're obsessed with finding the Master Emerald."

Sonic and Y/N looks surprised.

Sonic: "Are you serious? The Master Emerald?"

Y/N: "I thought it was just a myth."

Tails: "Well, they believe it's real and must think you two are the key in finding it. 

Sonic: (Looks ahead and sees the streetlight turned red. )"Red light, red light! Give me the wheel!"

Sonic scoots over to the driver's seat, moving Tails away and taking the wheel.

Tails: "Hey! What are you--?!"

Sonic: "Move your butt!"

Y/N: "Trust me! He knows what he's doing!" (Pulls Tails to the other side of the front seat.)

Sonic dodges the incoming cars and sees a honking giant truck and manages to swerve to the side, dodging it as they made it through. Sonic looks back, thinking the truck will block the siblings' path. He sighs in relief and looks at Tails and Y/N.

Sonic: "I think we lost them."

Y/N looks back and then suddenly Knuckles and Sonya punch/kick through the truck with super strength.

Y/N: "You just had to jinx it!!"

They jump over the street and land on top of the police car, and Knuckles plunges his fist inside, nearly hitting Sonic and Tails, who screamed at the sight of his big spiked boxing glove. Knuckles pulled his fist back and tears off the door where Tails is sitting. 

Sonya: Going somewhere?!

Sonic: "We did not lose them! We definitely did not lose them!"

Tails nearly fall off to the edge of the cliff they're on now as Sonic drive.

Y/N: "You keep driving! I'll take care of this! (Y/N flips up onto the roof of the car and lands between the two siblings.) Hi!

Knuckles: Foolish, hedgehog!

Knuckles: Foolish, hedgehog!

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Sonic the Hedgehod 2 (2022) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now