Mall Santa

72 18 79

Newark, Delaware

Joseph was working as Santa Clause at the Christiana Mall. The mall was jammed pack, with a lot of chatter from left and right. Joseph was getting paid 80 bucks an hour for this. A lot of kids were in line, getting ready to tell him what they wanted for Christmas.

A red haired girl, with brown eyes, freckles, wearing a red shirt, dark blue jeans, and black moccasins, sat on Joseph's lap. "What would you like for Christmas, little girl?" he asked in his jolly voice.

"A new jump rope, a new bike, and a dead alligator," said the red haired girl.

"Good choices!" chuckled Joseph.

"Are you the real Santa?" asked the red haired girl.

"Of course I am!" said Joseph. "Ho Ho Ho!"

"I thought Santa was a fat dude! You're skinny!"

"Okay, I am not the real Santa! You win!" barked Joseph. He took off his fake beard, and rushed out of the mall, with everyone laughing at him.

"What am I gonna tell my wife, and kids? That Santa Clause doesn't exist?"

Joseph was in a dilly of a pickle.

This story was written on Thursday, December 1st, 2022.

A/N Poor Joseph! That red haired girl blew his cover! Being a mall Santa isn't such a good idea! 😣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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