All Over A Kit Kat Bar!

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Iris: *eating a white chocolate Kit Kat*

spiritserpentt: You're eating my Kit Kat, Iris!

Iris: Well, how was I to know? The candy doesn't have your name on it!

spiritserpentt: If you wrote on the candy with a marker, no one would eat it! I got that from Dollar Tree! It cost me only a dollar!

Iris: Why are you freaking out over this? Over a measley Kit Kat!

spiritserpentt: Its not fair! *crying*

Iris: Crying over this is so childish!

This story was written on Monday, December 12th, 2022.

A/N Iris had no idea that it was Nicole's Kit Kat! Nothing to lose sleep over! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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