Melissa Is Too Old To Be Sitting On Santa's Lap

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Westfarms Mall

West Hartford, Connecticut

Santa Claus: Packed place, today! All these kids!

Melissa Hoon: *sits on Santa's lap*

Santa Claus: Aren't you too old to be on my lap?

Melissa Hoon: I want some new clothes, a new basketball, and some lipstick!

Santa Claus: Uh, sure! Get off my lap! You're too heavy!

Mall Security: *takes Melissa out of the mall*

Melissa Hoon: I was just playing! *being taken out of the mall*

This story was written on Monday, December 5th, 2022.

A/N Melissa, you're 50 years old! You're not a kid anymore! Get off Santa's lap! 😆😆😆 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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