Forgetfulness Its Rude To Stare

13 4 32

5 Guys

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Charlotte: *eating a bacon cheeseburger with ketchup, mustard, pickles, tomatoes and onions, and drinking a vanilla milkshake*

Forgetfulness: *staring at a girl eating a bacon cheeseburger with ketchup, mayo, lettuce and mushrooms*

Girl: *wearing a black coat, blue jeans, and black knee boots* Mom, he keeps staring at me.

Mother: Just ignore him, sweetie.

Charlotte: F, you do know its rude to stare at people, right?

Forgetfulness: Yeah. *eating his Cajun fries*

Charlotte: Then, knock it off.

Girl: Can you please not stare at me?

Forgetfulness: Sorry.

Girl: Thanks. *walks back to her table*

Charlotte: Keep your eyes on your food, please.

Forgetfulness: I know. *eats his bacon hamburger* Should have got cheese on my burger.

Charlotte: You didn't want any cheese. *drinks more of her shake* Didn't she tell you to stop staring at her, F?

Forgetfulness: Yes. *stares at the girl again*

Charlotte: You better stop, F! You're gonna make her mad!

Forgetfulness: Sorry!

This story was written on Thursday, December 1st, 2022.

A/N F better cut it out! Its not nice to stare! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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