Who Is In The Time Out Room?

15 1 6

Raynor, Connecticut

It was a typical school day at Raynor Elementary. Every student was in their respective classes, learning about certain things. However, there was a time out room in the hallway. Halfway between the cafeteria and art room.

The time out door, was a shiny brown wooden door, with a rectangular shaped window, covered by a large paper. A student was put in there for misbehaving. Outside of the room, was a pair of black Keds. That indicated that a girl was locked inside.

There was a desk for the teacher to sit down on, and take notes of the student's behavior. Mrs. Daniels locked a girl in the time out room.

Danielle wanted to know who was inside the time out room. But, Mrs. Daniels wouldn't tell her. She didn't recognize the shoes. She just shrugged it off, and went to the cafeteria to lunch. Fish fillet and minestrone soup were on the menu.

Then, Mrs. Daniels started playing with the door handle.

This story was written on Monday, December 19th, 2022. (Hanukkah)

A/N Perhaps we will never know who is in the time out room! 👀 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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