Brandon Talks To Emma On Facetime Again!

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Westlake Dr

Middletown, Connecticut

Brandon: *logs onto Facetime to speak to Emma*

Emma: Merry Christmas, Brandon!

Brandon: Merry Christmas, Emma!

Emma: Tell Ken, thanks for the new thigh high boots he sent me! That's the best Christmas gift I ever got!

Brandon: Sure thing! Its cold here!

Emma: Wow! We got a lot of snow over here!

Brandon: Darn! Its great to hear from you again, Emma!

Emma: Likewise, Brandon! You excited for the new year?

Brandon: You bet I am! 2022 hasn't been all that great!

Emma: No, it hasn't! The only good thing that came out of this year, was that I graduated from high school!

Brandon: Yup! Well, I gotta scoot now! I am gonna have some good Christmas dinner!

Emma: Excellent!

Brandon: My aunt and cousins are over here from North Carolina!

Emma: That's great! Did you get any cool gifts?

Brandon: A Dairy Queen gift card, new basketball game, and a new watch!

Emma: Awesome! Well, you enjoy the rest of your Christmas with your family, okay? We'll talk again soon!

Brandon: Okay! Bye, Emma! Love you!

Emma: Bye, Brandon, love you too!

Brandon: *logs out of Facetime, and rushes downstairs to eat*

This story was written on Sunday, December 25th, 2022. (Christmas Day)

A/N Merry Christmas, Brandon! He really enjoyed his time talking to Emma on Facetime! And, he got some cool gifts! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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