Dorian Will Be Getting Christmas Stuff After Christmas

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Dorian: Can't believe they would do this to me!

Iris: Dorian, what's wrong?

Dorian: My parents told me I'm not getting anything on Christmas Day!

Iris: Oh no!

Dorian: They said, I'll be getting money to get what I want.

Owen: So, why is that a bad thing?

Dorian: Cause, how am I supposed to enjoy my Christmas without any new video games?

Iris: Dorian, you'll be getting Christmas money to shop with!

Dorian: Gamestop isn't open on Christmas!!! Can't believe my parents screwed me over! I hate this!

Claire: Dorian, relax!

Dorian: Looks like I'm in for a boring Christmas.

This story was written on Saturday, December 10th, 2022.

A/N Dorian, chill out!!! Its not like you won't be getting anything for Christmas! Just go to Gamestop and get what you want, the day after! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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