Marriage gone wrong

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7 years later

Naruto was in the kitchen making breakfast. He was stirring the eggs when all of a sudden he was kissed from behind.
"Whatcha makin?" Gaara said with a smile.
"Don't do that Gaara. I'm holding your breakfast." Naruto said while blushing.

"Your so cute when you blush, makes me wanna..." Gaara was silenced by Naruto
"Don't say it, because you have to be at work soon and we all know how long it takes you to...well you know" Naruto said with a sly smirk.
Gaara let a low growl come from the back of his throat. Gaara suddenly picked up Naruto bridal style and started up to the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Naruto said in between cute giggles.
"I'm going to take you up to the bedroom and..." Naruto kissed Gaara stoping him from talking.
"You talk to too much, babe." Naruto said while stroking Gaaras cheek.

------time skip-----
"Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Naruto said while running back and fourth through the kitchen.
"What am I going to do?!? I burned the casserole! Gaara is going to be so pissed!"

"Ah! Screamed Naruto
Naruto picked up the phone and went back to work trying to put out the mini fire that started in the small house.
"Hey naru" Kiba said with excitement "What are you doing tonight?"
"Well, I'm going to be in trouble because I burned the dinner tonight."
"Oh, do you need some take out?"
Kiba said with uneasiness.
"Do you mind? would you get in trouble with Neji?
"Maybe, but your more important at the moment..."
A voice was faintly heard away from the telephone
"But Neji he really needs..."
Some noise came from the phone
"Who is this?" Neji said with anger.
"This is Naruto." Naruto said with anticipation

Just as Naruto said that he heard Gaara pull up the driveway.
"I gotta go, tell Kiba I said bye."
the door opens
"What is the smell?" Naruto heard Gaara say.
"Did you burn that!" Gaara said in an angry voice
"It was me... I'm sorry Gaara, I was"
Naruto hit the ground with a loud thud. He moved his hand up to his face and it was stinging and he looked at his hand and there was blood all over it.
" hit me..." Naruto said while starting to tear up.
"Yeah I did! You deserved it, you burned the dinner. All you had to do today was make dinner, do the dishes, and wash all my clothes! But it seems that you didn't even do that!" Gaara screamed while walking over to the sink and pointing at the pile of clothes on the couch.
"I did some of the dishes, and folded all my clothes. That's why the dinner was burned."
"Oh! Isn't that convenient for you! All your clothes are nice and clean and folded, while mine are in that pile getting all wrinkled!"
As Gaara said this he was am walking closer to Naruto and when he finished his sentence he slapped Naruto again.
Naruto stayed on the ground this time, his hands covering his face.
"" Naruto said in between sobs.
"Yeah, and I didn't know that you would be such a lazy slut that didn't do anything around..."
Gaara didn't finish his sentence because Neji came out of nowhere and punched Gaara in the face.
The two boys were rolling around on the ground fighting while Kiba went to Naruto and looked at his face.
"Oh my god... Naruto what happened?!?"
"I...I..." Naruto couldn't talk because he was crying so hard.
"Let's get you out of here." Kiba said while picking Naruto up with both arms.

-----Time skip----

Naruto slowly woke up in a strange room, he looked around but every time he moved his eyes or made any kind of movement on his face it hurt so bad.
Naruto touched his face and he felt stitches
"Hello?" Naruto said as he looked at the door.
"So your awake" said Gaara from the corner of the room.
Naruto looked up at Gaara like a scared puppy.
"Hey, hey. It's ok babe. Your safe now." Gaara tried to get close to him but Naruto scrambled off the bed and fell in the floor. At that same moment Neji came in and yanked Gaara away from Naruto an threw him on the floor.
"Stay the hell away from him!" Kiba said from behind Neji.
Gaara growled in a menacing way.
"Now you look here you little twig!"
Gaara flew across the room and hit the wall and then was picked up by the hem of his shirt.
"Don't you EVER talk to him that way again!"
With every word Neji smacked Gaara. Then he dropped him on the ground and went over to Naruto.
"You can stay here if you have nowhere else to go. The police are on there way and you can talk to him at the jail about getting a divorce if you want."
Th whole time Neji said this Naruto was staring at the floor.
"I...I..." Naruto muttered
Just then the door opens and a very pale raven haired male in a cop outfit.
"What happened here?" Said the raven haired cop.
"This...this...price of shit hit his own husband several times and then tried to hit me and my husband" Neji said while looking with disgust at Gaara, who was looking at the floor.
"I see, and who was his husband" the cop asked while pulling out a little black notebook.
"This is him" Kiba said while sitting on naruto a bed and striking his hair.
The cop looked at Naruto's face and saw the stitches.
"So you did this." The cop said in a slightly angered voice while glaring at Gaara.
"This is none of your guy's business" Gaara said while trying to get up. The cop used his foot to kick Gaara in the stomach and then flip him over and handcuff him. The cop turned and started walking over toward Naruto and he stopped right at the end of his bed.
"You...are... Are you ok?" the cop said while slightly blushing.
"Y...yeah...just a little in shock."
"Do you have any family to contact and to stay with?" The cop said while staring into Naruto's ocean blue eyes.

"No...all my family is dead..." Naruto said while looking at the bedspread.

"I have room at my place, if you don't mind I have to insist that you stay over at my house so that I can make sure that your ok." The cop said still not breaking eye contact.
"That...that sounds..." The cop picked Naruto up bridal style just like Gaara used to.
Naruto clung to the cop and laid his head on his shoulder.
"Your so strong." said Naruto while blushing.
"And your really cute." The cop said while smiling down at the golden haired male.
"Thanks..." Naruto said while slowly dozing off in the strong cops arms.

So this is a really long chapter but when I started writing I just couldn't stop. So tell me how you guys like it. An to all you guys who are Gaara fans. IM SO SORRY THAT I MADE HIM SUCH A JERK!!! And to all the Sauske fans he is going to be really in love so in most comics he is really unwilling to share his feelings with Naruto but in this one he will be really outgoing and openly gay so yeah...

Love is strength (SasuNaru) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora