The Birth

269 16 8

Sasuke's POV

I stared at He wants me to sleep with him everyone I want to text my fucking boyfriend! This...creep, lunitic, crazy ugly ass mother fucker!

"W-what the hell is wrong with you" I screamed while yanking my hand back.
"I would rather die then sleep with you, your disgusting and I appreciate you letting me out now if you don't mind I have to get back to my bunk" I stood up and walked away out the long hallway and out into the rain.

Being in an open space again was freeing. I found my way to Sia's tent and all I saw was his ass and he was slamming into someone and the moans were really feminine like and I cleared my throat and he turned around as he was still fucking.

"Ah! Sasuke, care to join me? Or are you just gonna watch" he said while smirking.

" but I would appreciate if you fucked whoever out of our tent. I have to sleep there you sick bastard" I saw with a little venom in my words.

"Someone is on edge" he have one final thrust and stopped moving as they both moaned in unison and he pulled out and I looked away.

After that whole...scene was done I sat on the bed opposite the side of where Sai fucked some feminine guard named Sasori.

"So what's going on Uchiha, why are you more broody than usual" Sai asked with a smirk.

"The General wants me to fuck him...if I wanna keep talking to Naruto..." I say as I finally start to realize that I won't be able to talk to my love.

"Well I's just sex. What's the problem?"

"Sai, have you seen him. For one he is uglier than the devil himself and on top of tag I would never cheat on Naruto."

"Well, maybe just sneak in and get the phone."

"They would sound the alarm and I'll go back in...there..."

I shiver when I think about that swirling abyss that I've been in for what felt like three days.

Sai thought for awhile then looked around and leaned in closer to me.

"What if we just...left?"

"W-what?! That's deserting and they can put you in jail for that..."

"I have been drafted three times to this quote on quote army. But I have a brother that is in the actual army and he said there isn't someone named general Orochimaru"

I looked at Sai, I haven't known him very long but he seems like an honest guy. So I play along and we talk for about ten minutes and already we are packing our things. I could've believe that he talked me into running from this army. Even if it wasn't the actual army they had weapons and man power so they were still a force to be reckoned with.

"We don't even know where we are" I said while packing my clothes.

" I think we are somewhere in china" Sai said while he kept looking out the window flap of our tent.

"So, when do we leave" I say as I pack my last pair of socks.

"Now" he shouts as he jumps out of the tent and tackles an armed guard with his bag slung over his back.

----------POV CHANGE NARUTO----

I woke up and felt really really sick. I haven't felt that sick since the first morning I woke upend found out I was pregnant. These past few weeks I've been getting a bigger baby bump but nothing has ever happened. I ran to the bathroom and threw up several times. After that was over I flushed it down and hopped in the shower after washing myself with the warm water I got out and walked downstairs and I saw Gaara left a message along with a plate of delicious looking food.

Dear Naruto,

I have left the house to go and see Shika, I'll be back to get some of my things and head back home. I really appreciate you giving me a chance to be your friend. It really means a lot to me

Sincerely, Gaara

I smirked after reading this "so formal you dick head"

After I are I got this horrible pain in my stomach and it made it to where I couldn't move. I bit my lip hard to keep from screaming. The massive pain cramps came in one to two minute increments. Once I heard a knocking on the door I yelled "help!"

The door flew open and I saw Gaara there and he rushed to my side.

"Naruto! Are you okay!" Gaara said as he pulls out his cell phone and called 911

I blacked out Because of the pain and woke up staring at a white celling. There were doctors all around me and I recognized only one of them. It was Tsunade, the doctor that has been watching my male pregnancy from the start.

She looked at me and spoke to me. It was like I was watching a movie where the persons lips move but the voice came a little bit later. Her voice was fuzzy and all I could make out was "push"

I knew what was happening and I pushed with all my might, after a few of the pushes I got scared and tried to hold onto Sasuke's hand but it wasn't there. I started to get really scared but then Gaara came and laid his hand on top of mine

"It's going to be okay Naruto" he said in a calm voice

I pushes one more time and all the pain vanished and I heard a small cry echo in the room.

Hey guys. I decided to push Naruto and Sasukes chapters together to form a super chapter! (That's still short >~<) anyway, hope your enjoying the story. It will be coming to an end soon and I'll be starting another one so be on the lookout

Comments are always read, loved, and appreciated <3

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