Friend or Enemy

173 21 3

Naruto's POV

As I opened the door I saw a blushing Gaara. He didn't change much in prison, he had a few scars on his face now. He had a red tattoo on his head not sure what that is about. But his whole...attitude...he seemed more...unsure of himself. No, nervous.

"H-hey Naruto...a-are you ready to go" he nervously said.

I stood there analyzing him, his posture is less aggressive then I remember, his facial expression now was embarrassed. His whole demeanor, changed.
How is that possible? I asked myself

" okay" he asked as he stepped closer to me. The memory of what happened years ago flashed in my head and I flinched a bit and slapped his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me" I screamed and once I did he jumped like I pulled out a gun and quickly backed away. So fast that he lost his balance and tripped, falling onto the stone porch and he was looking up at me with fear.

"Naru I'm so sorry! What did I do" he asked many questions trying to apologize for something he could not be forgiven for.

I felt the rush of anger pour over me as I remember how helpless I felt when he hit me all those years ago and for a split second I wanted to hit Gaara. I wanted to make him feel like I felt all those years ago. For him to go through the same pain that I did.

I looked at him on the ground and stepped outside. After he got up he dusted himself off and looked up at me.

"I'm really sorry Naru-!"

"Don't fucking call me that! You lost the right to call me that long ago, I don't even fucking know why I agreed to look at you caused me much emotional pain that I can hardly stand to look at you without feeling the anger and misery that the mere sight of you causes..."

I was in tears by the time I was finished and so was Gaara. He looked at me and then down at his feet, he didn't look at my eyes until he spoke again.

"N-Naruto...I...I'm truly sorry for what I did...I will never ever be able to say that enough...I'm a piece if trash and I found that out in prison...I deserved what I got...all of it and more, I should've died in there...almost did in fact, until I meet a man...named Shika...he...he helped me forgive myself for what I did. And I will wait...even if you never forgive me, I will always try and try."

Once he was done...I felt terrible for what I said...the amount of pain and sorrow coming from his voice makes me want to cry and forgive him right now...but...I can't. He, abused me...he doesn't deserve it right...

I finally broke down and slid down the door and sat on the ground crying. Gaara slowly and carefully got down next to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and one on my back and started rubbing my back in small circles as I cried.

It felt good to have someone who cared...but maybe he didn't...this was the guy who caused all this...but he seems like he really wants to apologize...

I sat there and cried into my arms as Gaara tried to comfort me. He was about to cry too but he held his tears back and stayed strong. Not sure if it was for me or for himself. After I was done my head hurt so bad. Gaara asked if I just wanted to call this whole thing off but I...I wanted company...I invited him inside and once we were inside he got up and went into the kitchen.

I started to hear pots and pans moving around but I kinda fell into my own thoughts. He was making me food, and all I could think about was Sasuke. After awhile of quietly crying I fell asleep and I was awoken by Gaara and the smell of food.

"W-what..." I said groggily. I heard Gaara giggle and he lifted me up slowly.

"How much Alfredo do you want Naruto" he asked as I looked up at the table. It smelled like a restaurant in here. I slowly got up and walked over to the table.

"Smells good Gaara, where did you find all this?" I knew that I didn't have all the stuff to make Alfredo.

"I went back to my place and grabbed everything. That's what I was doing most of the time. This doesn't take long to cook."

He sounded so confident in his ability to cook. Where did he get that from I wondered. Maybe in prison, I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Gaara made my plate and then he sat down and made his.

"You gonna sit down pregnant boy" he said while smirking.

I blushed and sat down. Once we started eating he started up a conversation about the baby. I told him that it was Sasuke's and mine and he asked who that was. I told him it was the cop who arrested him and he laughed. We talked a lot while eating. About babies, prison, romance, things like that.

"There is no way. You mean to tell me that you were the chef in the prison kitchen" I said while laughing.

"Believe it! (>~< hehe) I was the chef and everyone couldn't wait for my meals. And it only took me a few weeks to earn the respect of almost everyone in the prison" Gaara said while slightly smirking.

After we talked for a bit more he looked at the clock and it was 3 in the morning. He got up and cleaned the kitchen for me and got me up into my room. Once I told him I was fine he hugged me.

"Thank you Naruto, for giving me this chance to earn your forgiveness" he said whole almost crying. I patted his back and laughed.

"A few more meals like that and I'll forgive you" I said while pulling him up.

"Do you have a car" I asked while he wiped his face.

"No, I'll walk back home"

"No, you can stay in the living room."

Once I said that he nodded and bowed as he exited my room.

I sent the draft that I saved earlier that day to the number Sasuke was using and jumped into the shower. I got on some pajamas that allowed my stomach to sit comfortably on my bed and I rubbed my belly

"It's okay baby...your dad is alright. He won't let them hurt him or both of us. He will come back to us, I promise" once I said that I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

He boys and girls. I just felt like updating since I had this idea, how do you guys feel about a Gaara and Shikamaru paring. I this it's cute ;)

Comments are always appreciated <3

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