"Daddy...I-Im your kid..."

196 12 4

3rd person POV

Gaara, Aki, and Shikamaru all went to the reception desk.

"Hi, we are all here to see Natuto" Gaara said while holding Aki's hand. Aki has been either in tears or silently staring since she saw her father lying on the bathroom floor in a pool of his own blood. (If I made Aki a boy then I'm changing it now because I want a girl now >~<)

Gaara tightly gripped Shikamaru's hand and earned a slight smile from him. Shikamaru didn't know Naruto well but for the past few weeks he has become very close to Aki. You could say that Gaara and Shikamaru have been Aki's parents ever since Sasuke left for the military.

Aki walked down the grey and white hallway with Gaara.

"It's gonna be great Aki! Your going to see your father again. Are you exited?" Gaara said while smiling and almost skipping down the hallway.

"Hn" was all Aki gave in response to Gaara's question.

Once they got to the room there was a sign on the door that read

All visitors and staff. The patient in this room may either be on heavy medication or be sleeping. Please walk in quietly and announce yourself before walking in, thank you

~hospital staff

Gaara slowly walked in and knocked.

"Yes? Who's there? You may come in" came a cheerful voice that made Aki sprint into the room and jump onto Naruto's chest.

Naruto looked at Gaara who was hugging Shikamaru crying tears I joy.

"Ummm...is this your child? Because I would appreciate knowing who you are and why this child called me mommy"

------------ >~<------------

Sasuke and Sia both were crawling under a makeshift bridge.

"Who's idea was it to shoot Orochimaru! It wasn't mine Sasuke!"

"He tried to blackmail me into having sex with him! He was gonna call Naruto and tell him that I was his and that I hated him. I couldn't let that happen."

"Well now we are fugitives from the military. Way to go. I hope this blonde bitch is worth all this trouble."

As soon as Sia said that Sasuke rolled on top of him and pulled out his shank made from the bone of an animal and places the blade right on Sia's neck.

"Say anything like that about Naruto again. I dare you"

"... Wonder if he is as beautiful as you say Sasuke"
Sia said while sweat dropping.

As the two crawled out of the range of the military chopper they found themselves running through a forest with only the moonlight to guide them. Until they saw the lights of the city.

"Naruto...I'm almost home..."

Sai rubbed Sasuke's back.

"Don't worry, we will find him Sasuke. He hasn't forgotten about you, I promise." Sai have an actual smile to Sasuke...and Sasuke gave one back.

(The world is ending I tell you ^~^)


Love is strength (SasuNaru) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن