Chapter Eleven - Refuge

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Blaze's POV

We all stared in shock and confusion as Lelixx screamed at Seth, her eyes practically glowing with anger.

"Lelixx! Long-time no s-" He begun, but she cut him off, suddenly appearing in front of him, her hands around his throat.

"What did you do with Aleesa?! She was my... Uh..." She stopped herself from speaking, but the rage stayed painted on her face.

"You've certainly gotten yourself into a bit of trouble, haven't you?" Seth said calmly, smiling down at her.

"Let go of him!" Charlina shouted, holding her hands to her face as if there was nothing she could do to break the fight up.

"These people are dangerous, you all should run!" Lelixx panicked, yet nobody moved.

"They... They saved our life!" I told her, trying to ignore the pain all over my chest and stomach. Power had hugged me when he first saw me, which really hurt. I was sure some of my cuts had started bleeding under my hoodie.

"What?! It's a trick!" Lel's face was full of fear, she still had her hand wrapped around Seth's neck.

"Wait... You're trying to tell us you were saved... By satanic demons? That is pretty sketchy..." Power's friend, Clive, spoke.

"Believe or not, yeah! They're risking their lives for us right now!" Valeria exclaimed desperately, probably fearing that the other cult members would appear at any moment. I didn't blame her, I had the same fear.

Lelixx looked speechless, she let go of Seth, stepping back.

"L-Lel...?" Power said, sounding concerned.

"It has to be a trick..." she whispered, looking at the ground as if she was searching for answers.

"It isn't..." I said, somehow feeling as if I could trust them... Well not them exactly, but Charlina.

"A-aren't you heir to...?" Lel asked, looking at Charlina.

"Not anymore." She muttered, looking at the ground.

She seemed like a person who had just lost everything, and it didn't make any sense. Why would she do such a thing... For me? What did she mean when she asked if I remembered her? "We've met before"? If that was true, why didn't I remember someone so... Attractive?

Lelixx took another few steps back before turning around completely, walking off. Power followed right after her, running to her side.

"So... They are demons then?" Avira asked, looking concerned about the situation.

"I'm not, but she is. In fact she was heir to the throne of-" Seth spoke, his words cut short as Charlina elbowed him in the ribs.

"Please... I really don't want to hurt any of you. Please trust me!" She begged, desperation in her eyes.

"Uh... Ookay... Just as long as you aren't friends with that freaky silver-haired chick." Clive stated, and I instantly knew who he was talking about. Charlina shook her head, not meeting eye contact with anyone.

"R-Raven?! ...You guys saw her?!" I said, suddenly afraid.

"Yeah dude, we were just running from her not long ago!" Cilve told me.

"W-wait... Where's Zeak?!" Avira suddenly said, looking around.

"What?! Zeak was with you, are you kidding me?! Why is everyone so stupid!" I exclaimed, the sudden realisation that everyone around had risked their lives for me.

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