Chapter Seventeen - Memories

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Blaze's POV

Avira, Valeria, Zeak and I all sat out in the lounge room, listening to music and talking just as we'd do back at school. Although I was worried and still in pain from the cuts on my stomach, I was glad to have this much time to spend with my closest friends.

"Hey, Zeak... I'm really sorry, we did try go back for you but it was too dangerous. They didn't... Hurt you... Did they..?" I asked Zeak while Avira and Valeria were too occupied in their own conversation to hear us, which I thought to be a good thing.

"Ahhh, that's okay Blaze. Look at you all concerned for your pal Zeak, such a good friend. Seriously though, I'd rather not speak about the cult..." 

I nodded. I didn't want to speak about what happened there either.

"Hey guys! Valeria challenged me to a game of table tennis, want to play teams of two?" Avira asked Zeak and I.

"Blaze is on my team!" Valeria exclaimed, jumping up from the couch.

We gathered in a large room consisting of a blue table with white lines on it and a net over the middle. Valeria handed us out bats, quickly serving the ball before Avira and Zeak were ready. Zeak quickly reacted, swinging the bat fast and hitting it right past Valeria's blonde hair before she even had time to flinch. We all stared at Zeak in surprise, who smirked in return.

Each time Valeria or I would hit the ball back over to their side, Zeak would always quickly react. Avira barely got any hits on the ball, Zeak was just too fast for any of us. We were all surprised, Zeak never used to go to sport class so it made me wonder where he got his quick reflexes from.

I noticed Charlina and Seth sitting outside, Charlina's head on Seth's shoulder. I felt a strange, unpleasant feeling deep within me as I stared at the couple. I didn't understand why, so I shrugged it off.

"Should we ask them to join us..?" Avira whispered to me.

Everyone was still unsure of why they were helping us, or why they didn't just run off somewhere else. Here they were just outsiders awkwardly avoiding everyone, but Charlina insisted on staying. I really wanted to know why, but part of me was for some reason afraid of the answer.

"It might be good for them to get to know us, I guess..." I replied to Avira.

We both walked outside to where they were both seated, Charlina's eyes immediately meeting mine only to look away awkwardly.

"You guys want to play a game of table tennis?" Avira asked as I stood next to him.

"Against you guys..?" Seth asked, glaring at me with his red eyes.

"Yeah, if you want." Avira said confidently.

"I'll play! I've never played that game... What did you call it..?" Charlina asked, standing up.

"Table tennis, we'll show you." I told her, smiling as she looked at me shyly.

Charlina and Seth versed Avira and I while Zeak and Valeria watched from the side. I noticed that Zeak had his eyes on Charlina the whole time. I guessed he didn't trust her, after all she was a demon. I had told him before about how she and Seth had saved Valeria and me, but he just nodded in reply.

After the match had finished I looked over to Zeak, who had Power at his side. Strange, Power and Zeak hadn't really met before, I hoped Power wasn't saying anything embarrassing. I walked over to join them, and also to tell Zeak that he could take my spot next match.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked causally as I approached them.

"I was just asking if Zeak was feeling okay... It must have been hard having to escape those demons alone." Power replied, his voice sounding off. He grinned creepily before walking away. He really had been acting strange lately, I didn't blame him though.

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