Chapter Five - Notes

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Blaze's P.O.V

"Are you sure you went this way? There's nothing out here but trees." Avira sighed as we walked through the woods.

"Well... I think I did..." I said, looking for any landmarks that I may remember but to my dismay the place looked completely alien.

Avira and I had sneaked out of class to go and find the cave I was at last time, looking for clues as to why we were being targeted. Seemed these people are quite good at covering their tracks.

"We should turn back, it's too hot to keep walking out here and besides, you hit your head pretty hard. How do you know you didn't just imagine it?" Avira asked me, stopping in his tracks. I turned around to face him, smirking.

"Heat? What heat?" I laughed, creating a flame around both my hands and holding them up. Avira held his hand up to me, a gust of wind suddenly pushed me to the ground.

"Blaze, come on. This is boring!"

I sat with my arms crossed, looking away from him making it clear I wasn't going to move.

"Argh, I will drag you all the way back if I have to." He threatened.

"Go ahead and try, but I highly doubt you ca-" My words were cut short as I found myself being blown away, sliding across the ground as Avira held his hands up towards me, walking alongside.

"H-hey!" I called out, noticing my red hoodie was getting dirt on it.

"Alright, alright! I'll walk..." I said, slightly annoyed.

We made it back to the school and decided to go sneak into the basement, wondering if there was anything interesting down there. Avira accidentally knocked off a painting off the wall, which lead us to find a door that was previously hidden. We stepped inside the room, which at first appeared to be apart of the ordinary basement; there were stacks of books, paper and other boxes everywhere. When I actually picked up one of the books it was in a foreign language, the symbols looking similar to the ones that were on the cave.

"Boo!" Avira shouted, popping up to my left as I studied one of the books. His face was covered by a mask that looked like a goat, only the horns were much longer and the upside-down star surrounded by a circle was embedded into its forehead.

I raised an eyebrow at Avira, his attempt to scare me a complete failure.

"You know I can't be scared, right..?" Just as I ask this, a loud sound echoes through the room. I jump, clinging to Avira for my life.

"Yeah, clearly." He laughed. I jumped back from him, confused at what the noise was and embarrassed.

"Is... Someone else here?" I ask, trying not to sound afraid.

"Nah, it was probably just a rat." Avira shrugged, turning around to put the mask away.

"R-rat..?" I said, trying to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach. I hate rats.

Out of the corner of my eye something shined at me, begging for my attention. I turned around, walking over to the book shelf that the shine had come from. Sitting on there I found a silver necklace with the goat from the mask Avira had on surrounded by the circle, taking the shape of the star symbol I keep seeing.

It felt as if I had to touch it... I had to wear it. I don't ever remember seeing these symbols, but somehow it felt like I had. When putting the necklace on, It felt like I was repeating something I had already done before. I don't wear jewelry though, so why did it feel so familiar?

The siren signalling the end of class sounded, I quickly hid the necklace under my hoodie and followed Avira out of the room, who was talking about some party he went to but I wasn't interested in what he was saying. I couldn't get my mind off the feeling of déjà vu ... But there was also another feeling distracting me, though I couldn't quite explain it.

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