Chapter Thirteen - Accusations

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Blaze's POV

I stared at the white roof of Valeria's parents' house, laying on the bed they had let me claim as my own for the time being. I was mad at Power for being such an inconsiderate brat. I knew that it was probably just his hormones kicking in, but I didn't care. He had no right to scream at me, and then to hurt me.

No matter how much I wanted to get him back, I'd never burn him with my flame ability. Never. He was my little brother, and my responsibility. Even still, I wasn't going to be treating him with respect until he would show me some. All that because he believed Lelixx liked me, probably because she called me cute the first time we had met. Idiotic little brat...

I had bigger things to worry about though, like a satanic freaking cult trying to murder my face off. I guess Power was clueless as to what had happened to me, but that still didn't give him the right to treat me like that.

"Blaze..?" I heard Valeria ask, opening the door.

"Here." Was all I replied with.

I heard her shut the door behind herself, stepping into the large room.

"You're alone... Right?" she asked, her voice low.

"Yeah, why?" I told her, wondering what she could want.

"Uhm... I got some stuff to clean your cuts with. I know you don't want anyone to know but I reaallyyy think you should tell that Clive guy, he does have healing abilities after all."

"I don't want to risk Power finding out, he's already an emotional wreck all because of that girl, Lelixx." I said, sighing.

"Oh, her. She's really nice! She definitely has a thing for Power though. Isn't he interested or something..?" Valeria asked, standing next to me as I laid on the bed.

"He is... But he seems to think she likes me for some reason. He... Electrocuted me a bit so my wounds may look worse that before..." I said, sitting up slowly.

"What?! Why would he do such a thing? He's such a sweet boy!" She exclaimed.

"He thinks I'm playing with people's feelings... Whatever." I pulled my hoodie over my head, noticing that some of my cuts were bleeding yet again.

"O-oh... Wonder why he'd ever think that..." Valeria said with a nervous laugh.

I laid back down and she used a cloth to wipe the blood off my chest. The disinfectant stung a lot, she kept apologizing every time I reacted. She made me sit up again as she wrapped the bandages around me and gave me a spare grey shirt that was her brother's. She said it was okay if I had it since my hoodie had to be washed. Her brother was off at college and probably hadn't even worn the shirt since they get new clothes every month. I wished I could be that rich.

Just as Valeria was leaving Avira walked in to see me adjusting the shirt. I cringed, knowing he'd assume the worse.

"See you later, Blaze!" Valeria said, walking out the door.

"Ah, yeah, thanks." I replied, feeling awkward.

Avira looked at me, trying to hide the hurt on his face with confusion.

"Are you and Valeria a thing?" He blurted out as soon as she closed the door.

"Argh... No." I sighed, sick of all the drama.

"Are you sure? Because it looked to me like-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Avira, I wouldn't do that to you."

"What's that meant to mean..?" He asked, sounding shocked.

Really? Another person who was in denial about their feelings? I was sure glad I didn't feel that way about anyone, it seemed painful.

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